Ye olde Powerpoint of Tajikistan
About Tajikistan Their official language is Tajik Type of Government is a semi-presidential republic. That mean that the president and prime minister are both active participants in the day to day administration of the state. Per capita income is $2000 according Main industries would include, aluminum, zinc, lead; chemicals and fertilizers, cement, vegetable oil, metal- cutting machine tools, refrigerators and freezers.
More about Tajikistan Natural Resources include, hydropower, some petroleum, uranium, mercury, brown coal, lead, zinc, antimony, tungsten, silver, gold according to Their public holidays are: New Years day, International women's day, Victory day, independence day, and National Reconciliation day.
On the Map
Type of Economy and Education Tajikistan has a market economy. It is very simular to the U.S. economy except they are very poor. Education is compulsory in the country and the completion rate is above 90 percent. Literacy rate is estimated 99.5%. Although they have a high literacy rate, education has suffered since their independence from Russian.
Persona Freedoms Citizens in Tajikistan have little freedoms but it is limited. Freedom of the press is guaranteed by government but press outlets and some web content are restricted. Access is blocked to foreign websites. Public criticism of the rigime and protest are not tolerated. They do have freedom of religion.