Student Rep Co-ordinator Briefing Friday the 13 th of September.


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Presentation transcript:

Student Rep Co-ordinator Briefing Friday the 13 th of September.

Agenda 11:30 Welcome and Introductions 11:35 Patricia Price Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience and Academic Standards 11:50Ollie Wannell VP Education from Cardiff University Students’ Union 12:05Keren Williamson SRC of the year :15Reflection on last academic year, key points from the Annual Report 12:25Group discussion 12:50Key dates for next academic year & resources 12:55Questions 13:00Close with lunch

Patricia Price Pro Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience and Academic Standards

Ollie Wannell VP Education Cardiff University Students’ Union

New logo!

Promotional Video

Keren Williamson SRC of the year

Reflection on last academic year, key points from the Annual Report

Key facts 32 talks were held in 11 Schools UG PGT PGR Yes81.2%74.5%Yes78.7%73.5%Yes74.1%75.5% No18.8%25.5%No21.3%26.5%No25.9%24.5% Have you been made aware of the student academic representative system within your School?

971 Student Academic Reps Over 500 students were trained in 2012/13 over 32 individual training sessions, in 2011/2 there were 300 trained in two larger sessions. We already have 4 Schools booked in for training sessions for next Academic year! 272 Student reps completed the survey: PGR – 7% PGT – 13% UG – 80% 83% of respondents found the training sessions helpful 29% of students’ surveyed said they had not seen the handbook, these students had not attended training. 82% of those that had seen the handbook, found it useful.

24% were elected, 74% volunteered 5% didn’t feel they know what the role involved before volunteering 86% made aware of the training 85% Felt that staff valued their role 74% Felt they had fulfilled their role 74% have made a difference to their course 96% of Student Reps found SSPs effective 85% of reps would do their role again next year

Recruitment: Increase the number of induction talks and develop a promotional video about the Rep system. New video & 32 last year, so far booked 35 talks. Acknowledge the date variations for postgraduate and part-time, distance learner students. Aim to increase the number of elections that take place. Increasing awareness will hopefully increase those wishing to participate.

Training: Ensure that all representatives are aware of training. Send electronic copies of handbooks to students when they are elected. Plan additional training sessions in the evening. Create further training sessions for reps who want it. Chairs and Secretary training Create online training for those unable to attend training in schools. Learning Central

Communication: Creating School-specific addresses, administered by the Student Voice Officer. Encourage all Reps to join the Student Academic Rep Facebook Group, as this has proven to be a good communication mechanism. Academic submissions to student council will be forwarded on to School Chairs for SSPs, or to Academic Council (all three College Forums) where relevant. Student Academic Rep Co-ordinators Shorten and revise the Operational Guide. Update and improve the Student Voice website. Shorten and adapt the SRC briefing event.

Group discussion Have Student Academic Reps thought that this is the case for your School? If this has happened, how did you resolve the issue? If this hasn’t happened in your School, why do you think this is? What advice would you give others who experience these problems?

Key dates for next academic year & resources

SRC Key dates Enrolment Week and Week 1 23/09 & 4/10-- Explain the role of Student Academic Representatives during induction (or arrange for the Student Voice Officer to come along to talks) Explain the process for nominating and electing Student Academic Representatives Between 14/10 & 25/10 Elections held and names of Student Academic Representatives communicated to the Student Voice Officer using the pro forma and send to Note: Postgraduate Student Rep names may be received later if necessary. As soon as Reps are elected Arrange a training session with the Student Voice Officer By the 8 th of November One School Chair appointed for each Student-Staff Panel and send to This enables us to train them at our conference on the 28 th of November Throughout the yearSend minutes of Student-Staff Panel minutes to the Student Voice Officer in a timely fashion to ensure University-wide issues can be brought together with other evidence arising from the student voice.

Student Academic Rep key dates: Training in Schools (to be confirmed with Student Voice Officer and SRC) Chairs and Secretary training – Thursday 28 th November, 5:30pm onwards Speak Week – Monday 3 rd – Friday 7 th February Student Academic Rep Conference – Tuesday 4 th February More dates of meetings and events related to the rep system can be found here

Additional resources A template for the creation of Student-Staff Panel minutes. A template agenda Student Rep Co-ordinator handbook Student Voice Website re vamp
