Planting Acres Bound the estimate Survey for planting density Shift to nursery sales? Should the report be a regeneration report instead of a planting report? Include comparison to acres harvested by management type Estimated pine acreage naturally regenerated
TPO Report Interval Annual reporting with a maximum of a six month lag Quarterly estimate of wood used by product Strictly for estimating demand price elasticity Regionally consistent
TPO Sampling Issues Can a change in sample design shorten the reporting interval? Sample mill by type proportional to size All mill do not need to be sampled every time National Reporting Owners with multiple mill locations report all mills from corporate location Reconciliation to FIA removals
TPO Product Allocation Utilization Studies Is the sample size large enough to be useful? Do these studies tell everything we need to know? Can TPO provide better information by surveying usage by product? Ask mills to provide how much wood they consumed in a standard product class definition. Ask mills to provide how much wood they consume by their definition.
TPO Other Issues Can other organizations provide resources to shorten reporting interval? University of Georgia wood demand report State agencies Improving the web interface for data retrieval Retrieve data by county Transparency