inRiver PIM Suite for Presented by Mike Nutter Blue Dot Limited
About Blue Dot We are inRiver’s exclusive distributors in the UK & Ireland We are an authorised IBM Business Partner We have 40+ man years’ Movex experience Contact Details: Blue Dot Ltd No2 Wellington Place Leeds LS1 4AP Tel: Fax: Mike Nutter - Mobile:
The forgotten process 20% 80% InformationTransactionsLogistics
Too many data sources… …leads to ”content spaghetti” Sales Supplier Product development Product development Marketing FILE SERVER C:\My docs WCM IMAGES ERP
Demands for PIM increase rapidly - More channels - More complex information - Shorter product life cycle - Larger assortments - More languages - More markets - More resellers - More brands - etc... New business, M&A, brands, etc Demand s
Deliver in multiple channels - the old way
Brands/ Assortments Channels Assortment A Assortment B Assortment C The multi-channel matrix Assortment X Languages/ markets
Deliver in multiple channels - the new way
inRiver PIM suite Manuals Point-of-sale Advertising Print Web E-commerce System 3 System 2 System 1 Photographer Product Development Product Development Marketing Department Marketing Department
Apply once - use everywhere Manuals Point-of-sale Advertising Print Web E-commerce Photographer
The information carrier The process The product offering
Shorten your time to market JanuaryMarchMay Channel Ready
Shorten your time to market JanuaryMarchMay Channel Ready The three factors that reduce the time to market are: Product level decisions which allow enrichment to start earlier. The ability to arrange and design the publication even if a product and its related content is not fully enriched. The ability to start translation before the first “general language” publication is ready. Benefits: Add products and ideas later Start sales earlier
1.Consolidate your product master data and all related digital assets - to maintain information ONCE in ONE place 2.Make the product your information carrier - to work with ONE object in ALL channels 3.Add metadata to the product - to automatically target the RIGHT information to the RIGHT people, in the RIGHT channel at the RIGHT time inRiver’s 3 step recipe for efficient PIM
inRiver PIM Suite Windows Client
How to create an efficient process for print production
Automatic production of printed matters Characteristics for when to go for fully automatic production: - “Flowing” layout, the information can be put into the publication starting from the top of the page, flowing to the bottom. - Layout based on repetitive patterns - Large amount of information in publication and/or large amount of pages in publication.
Characteristics for when to go for semi automatic production: -Layout based on “look & feel”. -Information has to be positioned randomly on pages. - Need to control layout precisely - Need to save space = pages in publication Semi-automatic production of printed matters
Adobe integration overview
inRiver Content Craft
Enabling e-business through efficient PIM
Web and e-commerce demands increase rapidly More Markets More languages Targeted Assortments Partners Distributors Resellers Targeted Assortments Partners Distributors Resellers Faster updates Faster product cycles Faster product cycles More channels e-commerce e-services More channels e-commerce e-services
E-com structure, market mix strategy Group level Brand - Channel Level Cross Brand Level Retail / all markets Web viewing Promo / sel. markets E-commerce Retail Web viewing E-commerce Promo / sel. markets CRAFT A
PIM web hub Automation with the PIM Web Hub PIM repository Deliveryprocess PIM data Channel Printproduction inDesign and/or inDesign Server In-house department 100 Static catalogues 100 Real Time websitesNo people E-channels, web ResultConsumers One per catalogue PIM Data
Web Hub uses a pull based model Existing Web or e-commerce Site Existing Web or e-commerce Site No file export Ask Answer Presentation and e-services - WYSIWYG administration - Proxy service -xHTML - Images -e-services - Product Web Service - Category Web Service - Label Browsing Service PIM Web-hub PIM Repository Integration Print Server InDesignplug-in Print Server InDesignplug-in
A PIM Web Hub scale scenario PIM Web hub PIM Web hub Scale on demand Query – the hub answers! Personalization and information security Security - isolates PIM DB from the internet 24/7 service - PIM DB can be down for maintenance Redundant with clustering Question Site Language Edition Assortment Category Product Real Time Answer Product(s) Text(s) Image(s) Presentation Properties Navigation Categories
External portals and communities External portals and communities External portals and communities External portals and communities Create and control your product network PIM Web-hub PIM Repository Integration Print Server InDesign plug-in Print Server InDesign plug-in External portals and communities External portals and communities Dynamic Banner Intranet Global web sites Distributor Retailer Distributor Retailer Customer Service Extranet Customer Service Extranet Websites E-commerce Websites E-commerce Local Websites E-commerce Local Websites E-commerce Distributor Retailer Distributor Retailer Distributor Retailer Distributor Retailer Global web sites Websites E-commerce Websites E-commerce ERP web clients
Automation with the PIM web Hub Automates the distribution of correct and updated product information in all e-channels. The Web Hub does the job in real time, –We use a pull based model, not push. –The web asks, the hub answers! The PIM Web Hub is the integration interface to e-channels –Web sites –e-commerce sites –RSS feeds –Partner web sites –Retail web sites –E-brokers –“Web 2.0” – Facebook, communities, dynamic banners
Media Bank The Media Bank application offers –Integrated sync with the PIM Repository –Workflows and statuses in the PIM Repository can be configured to control the distribution of content to the media bank –Log in functionality that controls access to the media bank –Med data driven search functionality –Media “shopping” functionality that makes it possible for the end user to select the items that he or she wants to download in a zip package –Automatic scaling of images into specified and configured formats –Branding and layout possibilities are only limited to internet standards. –A web based back end administration where, users, security domains, presentation components can be managed
Media Bank – Meta data search and standard views
Media Bank – Download Select resolutions
Movex Users who are reference cases for PIM Suite
About Svanströms FransSvanström AB is the leading distributor and reseller of office supplies and computer accessories in Sweden. Svanströms offer products and services to companies, organizations and consumers all over Sweden. The company was founded in 1857 and is today covering all of Sweden from Malmö in the south to Umeå in the north. Svanströms also offers their customers to order via their customer centers, service partners and their e-commerce solution. Issue It is critical for Svanströms to be able to offer the latest solutions for the modern office. This means that the assortment is constantly updated and products changed. The challenge is to shorten the production time for the catalog while preserving the quality of the information across channels. Vision To create one single repository for managing all product information to make it possible to expand into new markets and channels.
About Strålfors Strålfors Supplies is a part of the Strålfors Group. The supplies division works as an outsourcing partner to larger enterprises in Scandinavia. Through the Trade-it e-commerce platform they strive to actively improve their customers purchasing process related to office supplies and computer accessories. Issue Working with office supplies and computer accessories means that the assortment and the products are constantly changing. Managing multi- language and multi-channel information with a large assortment adds complexity as well. To feed the channels, mainly the printed catalog and the Trade-it e-commerce platform, with updated high quality product information must be a fast and efficient process.. Vision To create one single repository for managing all product information to make it possible to expand into new markets and channels.
AboutBauwerk More than 60 years ago Bauwerk invented the solid mosaic parquet and more than 30 years ago Bauwerk developed the 2-layer bonded parquet. Bauwerk is a part of Nybron Flooring International (NFI). NFI is the leading manufacturer of parquet in Europe, complete with solid parquet and products for floating laid floors. Issue Bauwerk sells through it’s partner and reseller network and needs to feed the reseller channel with up-to-date and correct product information. This must be done in several languages in many formats and channels. Thus, the process must be fast, cost effective and the content correct for every market. Vision To create one single repository for managing all product information to make it faster and more efficient to produce, maintain and distribute product information. It is also important to free up resources to produce more marketing material aimed at the consumers.
About Gruppo Manfrotto The Manfrotto Group is a world leader in photographic, video camera and lighting supports and suspension equipment for professional photography, video, broadcast and cinematography. Gruppo Manfrotto is part of the Vitec Group Plc, a multinational group listed on the London Stock Exchange. Issue Needs more support to control product information such as pictures, product data and to provide multi-lingual support for differing sales channels. Vision To create one single repository controlling all product information with validation and revision control for reuse by all channels (web, photographers, distributors, brands) Solution Fully integrated with ERP and the web providing up to date product data in the right place at the right time. Result Decreased the lead time to market by 50% for several channels for all product information on time and in the right language. Cost savings are estimated at over €100,000 per year Reference Flavio Fiorio, CIO Gruppo Manfrotto Case study - Manfrotto