Evaluation of the PIT-Tag Detection Arrays in the Priest Rapids Dam Adult Ladders Steve Anglea, Anthony Carson – Biomark, Inc. Eric Lauver – Grant County PUD
Objectives The overall goal of the project is to provide Grant County PUD with detection of upstream migrating anadromous salmonids at Priest Rapids Dam –Detection efficiency specification of 95% with a Destron Technologies TX1400ST “supertag” Estimate detection efficiency of ladder arrays based on detection of salmonids from migration years
Priest Rapids Dam
Adult PIT Tag Detection Adult Trap
Adult PIT Tag Detection Two detection weirs in non-overflow segment of each ladder –Left Ladder : Weirs 3 and 7 –Right Ladder: Weirs 3 and 5 –Two submerged orifices in each weir –Inside dimensions of antenna range: 22.5” x 45” to 24” x 55” Mounted to “video count box” at Weir 3 (Right Ladder) and Weir 7 (Left Ladder) Mounted to wall at other detection weirs Operational in spring 2003
Left Ladder Adult Trap Denil entrance in Weir 4 orifice Sample platform between Weirs 1 and 2 Not scanned for PIT tags Fish returned to river at ladder exit
Video Count Box Weir 3 (Right) and Weir 7 (Left) Operational in 2005
Video Count Box Antenna 6” aluminum transition 5’ 1” channel Internal shield
Wall Mounted Antennas
Two Weir Detection Probability Detection of run-of-river adult salmonids Assumptions –Fish detected traveling in an upstream direction –Fish continued traveling upstream after being detected at downstream weir P 7 = probability of detection at Weir 7: P 3 = probability of detection at Weir 3: –m = number detected at both weirs –n 1 = number detected at Weir 7 –n 2 = number detected at Weir 3 P = 1 – (1-p 7 )(1-p 3 )
Adult Salmonid Run-Timing
Ladder Use
Ladder Re-Ascension SpeciesPassage EventsRe-Ascensions Chinook2,16399 (4.6%) (81% released at PRA) Steelhead430 Coho2445 (2%) Sockeye190
Detection Weir to Detection Weir Transit Time SpeciesMeanMedianMinimumMaximum Chinook23 min4.3 min13 sec14.25 hrs** Steelhead21.5 min4.75 min30 sec10 hrs* Coho45.3 min8 min20 sec13 hrs* Sockeye8 min5 min1.3 min18.5 min * Delay during trap operation ** Movement between Weir 7 and Weir 3, ~12 hr gap
Chinook Detection History East/Left LadderWest/Right Ladder Weir 7292Weir 5254 Weir 3*206Weir 3*17 Both Weirs 650Both Weirs 784 P7P P5P P3P P3P P LEFT 0.925P RIGHT * Upstream weir ** Four fish with downstream detection histories in Right Ladder
Detection Probability SpeciesLeft LadderRight Ladder Chinook0.925 (1,148)0.995 (1,055) 95% CI(0.912, 0.937)(0.992, 0.997) Steelhead0.963 (33)1.0 (24) 95% CI(0.875, 0.994)NA Coho0.898 (155)0.991 (114) 95% CI(0.849, 0.937)(0.975, 0.998) Sockeye0.978 (11)1.0 (8) 95% CI(0.851, 0.999)NA
Left Ladder Detection Probability Incorporating Trap Operation SpeciesAll HoursTrap Off Hours Chinook0.925 (1,148)0.931 (1,053) Steelhead0.963 (33)0.967 (29) Coho0.898 (155)0.915 (128) Sockeye0.978 (11)
Trap Effect Mean Number of Weir 7 Detections SpeciesTrap OnTrap Off Chinook4.4 (80)1.7 (788)* Steelhead3.5 (2)1.2 (29)* Coho2.8 (21)1.5 (101)* * P < 0.03
Future Actions/Recommendations Shorten length of exciter cables for antennas mounted to video count boxes Re-evaluate detection efficiency with “supertags” Compare estimates of transit time, re-ascension, DE, trap delay,… to results from other locations Require scanning of salmonids caught in trap for PIT Tags