Slide 1 of 17 FMEA Executive is a software for Failure Mode & Effects Analysis. Use FMEA Executive to perform Design as well as Process FMEA. The features offered by FMEA Executive takes your FMEA effort beyond mere documentation, towards a benefit-oriented one. Learn how you can use FMEA Executive to maximize your benefit through this short presentation Beyond mere documentation…
Slide 2 of 17 FMEA defined in a spread-sheet format will not intuitively represent the intent of Failure Mode & Effects Analysis, and hence cannot work to your benefit The traditional FMEA approach
Slide 3 of 17 Process Step / Item A better organization of a FMEA is in a tree format Function Requirement Failure Mode Effect | Severity Cause Control of Detection| Detection Rating Control of Prevention| Occurrence Rating Cause Control of Detection| Detection Rating Control of Prevention| Occurrence Rating Risk Priority Number Occurrence Rating Detection Rating Highest Severity for the Failure Mode Project Management for Actions Action|Responsibility for the Action|Target Dates Action Results|Resulting Severity, Occurrence and Detection Ratings|Resulting reduction in RPN Project Management for Actions Action|Responsibility for the Action|Target Dates Action Results|Resulting Severity, Occurrence and Detection Ratings|Resulting reduction in RPN The correct FMEA approach
Slide 4 of 17 FMEA Executive enables you perform the Analysis in this format The correct FMEA approach
Slide 5 of 17 FMEA Executive maintains the correct hierarchy and ensures that no step gets skipped. Filtering functions ensure that you zero-in on the desired node fast. The FMEA Tree Structure
Slide 6 of 17 The Power of Accumulated Knowledgebase… FMEA Executive organizes all FMEAs in a database, and builds libraries of Functions, Failure Modes, Causes, Effects and Actions. The Intelligent Search feature enables you search through the knowledgebase using keywords. Model your actions based on what has been done right in the past…Avoid effort duplication, don’t re-invent the wheel every time a problem is identified. Shorten the problem solving cycle using scientific knowledge management. Knowledge Management in FMEA Executive
Slide 7 of 17 Provide Linkages to external data that would be relevant to the Failure Mode. Link test-result documents, pictures of the nature of failure, fatigue test data in a spreadsheet format, CAD models showing improved design, scanned copies of customer concerns… All who visit the FMEA have the information just a click away. External attachments to Failure Modes
Slide 8 of 17 Guidelines on the use of Severity, Occurrence and Detection rating are available as pop-ups. These can be defined by your FMEA expert, specific to your design/ process. Everyone who works on the FMEA follows common guidelines and correctly evaluates the risk. FMEA Rating Guidelines
Slide 9 of 17 External Attachments related to a FMEA can be checked in, and are available for reference Process Flow Chart Control Plan P Diagram Standard Operating Procedure Facility Layout External Attachments to the FMEA
Slide 10 of 17 Flexible user management features help you in defining authorized users, managing teams, and setting viewing and operation privileges for FMEAs User Management
Slide 11 of 17 FMEA Executive comes with powerful Reporting features The Audit Trail Report logs and displays each login by users. Identify which FMEAs are Live and which ones remain unvisited.. Powerful Actionable Reports
Slide 12 of 17 FMEA Listing Report gives a one-screen view of the FMEA, including Functions, Requirements, Failure Modes, Effects, Causes, and Action plans. You can drill down and navigate through the FMEA and quickly zero in on the area being worked upon All Reports in FMEA Executive are exported as formatted MS Excel Worksheets. You can save them, print them and share them easily. Powerful Actionable Reports
Slide 13 of 17 RPN and Severity Priority reports help you in identifying and drilling down to the high priority FMEAs and actions that require your attention. Powerful Actionable Reports
Slide 14 of 17 Actions Overdue beyond the planned date can be filtered out and reported across FMEAs Powerful Actionable Reports
Slide 15 of 17 A listing of all open actions helps you assessing the work that needs to be done addressing such actions Actions closed over a period selected by you help in assessing the FMEA activity effectiveness Powerful Actionable Reports
Slide 16 of 17 Actions due over a horizon of time you select are shown to you to facilitate planning and resource allocation A listing of FMEAs created over a period defined by you give you an insight on new FMEA creation Powerful Actionable Reports
Slide 17 of 17 Please do download the evaluation version of FMEA Executive from Symphony Technologies Pvt Ltd. B/4 Saket, Vidnyan Nagar, Bawdhan, Pune India Phone/Fax: , Web: Download and evaluate FMEA Executive We look forward to your enquiries! We look forward to your enquiries