you can search by PMID number of the document you want to read.
The auto-complete menu appears, which gets shorten while user types.
you can either click with mouse or you can use arrow keys on keyboard. Selected document’s abstract appears here.
The terms which exists in our ontology has different color.
if you don’t know PMID number, you can search by keywords.
After typing the third letter, auto-complete menu appears.
Let’s select this one.
These are the names of the files in which the selected term appears. Let’s select this one.
Selected document’s abstract appears here.
Let’s hover on this one. These two are not the same literally, but have the same meanings. That’s why we fetched this document.
Neoplasm, instead of tumor? Yes. Tumor is a synonym of neoplasm.
After you hover the class of the hovered term, the relationships that the class has, appear here.
Classes which exist as object in our ontology for the triples “spinal cord neoplasm co occurs with …….”
Instances of the selected class.
These are the names of the files in which the selected term appears. Let’s select this one.
Selected document’s abstract appears here. And the traversal we did in that document. Previous file name is written in the history section. This column shows the details of the current document. Let’s click here.
Here they are. You can read other documents anytime, by just clicking on the file names. Let’s select this one.
Selected document abstract appears here.
Note that there is no triple written. Because we haven’t done any traversal in that document. Selected document abstract appears here. And its file name is written in the history section. Let’s revisit this previous document from the history section.
Here it is. Thank you