Patient Handling Equipment From Low Tech to High What to Consider Lynn LaSalle, MOT Ergonomist MultiCare Health System
Safe Patient Handling Program Make it: Comprehensive, Functional, Sustainable Provide a: Safe Patient Handling (SPH) “Tool Box”
The Benefits Patients Assist with wound care Decrease incidence of skin break down Decrease falls Decrease pain during patient transfers Aids in healing Shorten hospital stay Staff Decrease physical demands on nursing Decrease workers’ compensation costs Decrease time loss days Increase nursing efficiency Improve nursing morale
Do Your Homework Know your supporters: Administrative managers, charge nurses,& direct care givers. What is your organizations philosophy? To meet the letter or the intent of the law. Goal: Zero Manual Patient Handling Know the culture! How will training be managed? Collect base line data so you can track and compare success of the program yearly.
Establish Protocols and processes for: Storing Cleaning Monitoring for wear and tear Maintenance for PMs, and as needed Tracking equipment, right place right time
Soft Goods Slings Slide sheets Mattress for air assisted lateral transfer device Gait belts sheets Mechanical Floor lifts Portable ceiling lifts Fixed ceiling lifts Pump for air assisted lateral transfer devices (AALTD) Stand assist lifts
How to choose Equipment Prior to purchase Storage Sustainable Reusable or single patient use Complete patient care area risk assessments Managing equipment Capacity needs of equipment Maintenance
When Comparing Equipment Are the Controls Intuitive, labeled with universal signs Foot print compared with storage space, under bed height Patient comfort Safety Clean ability Efficient to use Weight capacity Functions, versatility Ease of repair Environmental Sustainable Price
Equipment Survey Handout
Equipment Evaluation Break-out - hands on evaluation of equipment.