Nobody’s memory works with total accuracy. When you first hear or see something, it goes inside your brain and it stays there for a few seconds while you quickly decide how you will use it.
HOW DOES YOUR MIND SORT INFORMATION? It sends it to long-term memory for later use…or It uses it right away and then forgets it…or It makes use of it and then saves it for future use
KEEP INFORMATION ACTIVE IN YOUR SHORT TERM MEMORY BY Whispering it under your breath Forming pictures in your mind Putting visual data into words Creating color-keyed mind maps
KEEP INFORMATION ACTIVE IN YOUR SHORT TERM MEMORY BY Associating it with something you already know Creating a mnemonic Re-copying the information Creating a story
DATA ENTERING SHORT TERM MEMORY Has to undergo a process called recording Recording usually calls for paraphrasing A visual form of recording is called a “visual scratch pad” An image is formed in your mind of what the teacher is saying
CHECK TO SEE HOW WELL THE INFORMATION IS STORED Are you able to shorten information chunks? Are you able to visualize the information? Are you able to retain verbal communications? Are you able to put the information in your own words?
MAKE ATTENTION AND MEMORY WORK TOGETHER Sit close to the teacher Whisper under your breath Store information both visually and in words
SUMMARIZING INFORMATION Can you retain information that is arranged in a particular sequence? Can you keep up with the rate of incoming information?