Fusion_RDIG applications
Fusion_RDIG EGEE applications Already ported to EGEE infrastructure: – Plasma devises magnetic configuration optimisation. Conventional configurationImproved configuration
Fusion_RDIG EGEE applications In work to be ported to EGEE infrastructure: –Waves propagation of in plasma devices Plasma Vacuum → Климов К.Н., Сестрорецкий Б.В., Вершков В.А., Солдатов С.В., Камышев Т.В., Рученков В.А. Электродинамический анализ двумерных неоднородных сред и плазмы // Монография. М.: МАКС Пресс, – 324 с.` Antenna Job example:
Fusion_RDIG EGEE applications In work to be ported to EGEE infrastructure: – ITER engeenering applications (CODAC system): Simulation and data processing for finding reduced models for plasma real-time control.
International thermonuclear society (ITER - токамакs) USA: 1.Alcator C-Mod (MIT) 2.DIII-D (San Diego) 3.NSTX (Princeton) Russia: 1.T-10 (Kurchatov) 2.Globus (Ioffe) 3.T-11M (TRINITI) EU: 1.EFDA (JET) 2.CEA ( France TORE SUPRA) 3.Germany (TEXTOR ASDEX) 4.UK ( MAST ) 5.Switzerland ( TCV) 6.Italy (FTU) 7.CIEMAT (ITER, Spain) Japan: 1.JT-60 (Naka) 2.LHD (Toki) China, Brazil, Korea, India: KSTAR (Korea)KSTAR (Korea) TCBRA (Bra.)TCBRA (Bra.) H-7 (China)H-7 (China) U2A (China)U2A (China) SST1 (India)SST1 (India) EAST (China)EAST (China) + UNIVERSITIES
ITER GLOBAL DATA DISTRIBUTION (ITER-GRID 1000 users in 2016 year) ~10 6 Channels 100 GB/sec Simulation: Large codes in different platforms (Grid, Supercomputers)
EU_RU_FUSION_GRID as prototype for future ITER_GRID Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Russia, Igor Semenov)Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Russia, Igor Semenov) Ioffe Institute ( St. Petersburg )Ioffe Institute ( St. Petersburg ) Efremov Institute (St. Petersburg)Efremov Institute (St. Petersburg) Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión (CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain, Francisco Castejón )Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión (CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain, Francisco Castejón ) BIFI (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, Isabel Campos )BIFI (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, Isabel Campos ) Facultad de Informática (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain )Facultad de Informática (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain ) CEA-Cadarache (France, Bernard Guillerminet )CEA-Cadarache (France, Bernard Guillerminet ) ENEA (Italy, Michele Romanelli )ENEA (Italy, Michele Romanelli ) EFDA (European Union, Par Strand )EFDA (European Union, Par Strand ) KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea, Jysoo Lee )KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea, Jysoo Lee ) Under discussion – US_FUSION_GRID (GA, Vincent Chan)Under discussion – US_FUSION_GRID (GA, Vincent Chan)