Basics of Shell Programming
What’s Shell? It’s acts an interface between the user and OS (kernel).It’s known as “ command interpreter”. When you type ls : shell finds cmd (/usr/bin). shell runs cmd. you receive the output.
What’s Shell Program? It’s collections of executables or commands placed in a file and executed. It provides user an option to execute a command based on some condition. It provides conditional and control statements.(if,for,while,switch-case etc )
Types of Shell Bourne shell (sh) C shell (csh) TC shell (tcsh) Korn shell (ksh) Bourne Again SHell (bash)
Simple Shell Programs
#print date and time - echo "Today is:" date Save it as Run: sh #!/bin/sh # assign a value: a="hello world" # now print the content of "a": echo "A is:" echo $a
#ex-2 grep word in a file - echo "Enter the search string:" read string echo "Enter the file name:" read filename grep -n "$string" $filename
If statement Type 1: if condition is true then do this if Type 2: if condition is true then do this else do that if
#if stmt - echo "Enter the search string:" read string echo "Enter the file name:" read filename grep -n "$string" $filename # $? gives exit status of last command if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo " Yes,the word present in the file" else echo "No,word not present" fi
o/p : ~]$ sh Enter the search string: date Enter the file name: 2:date Yes,the word present in the file o/p: ~]$ sh Enter the search string: year Enter the file name: No,word not present
Passing values from command line: $0 - Program name $1 - First argument $2 - Second arg. $# - No.of arg $? - Exit status
#print date and time and cmd arg - echo "Today is:" date echo “No.of arg:”$# echo “Program name:”$0 o/p: ~]$ sh Today is: Fri Mar 7 00:28:27 IST 2008 “No.of arg:”0 “Program name:”
#grep using cmd line echo "Entered search string is:"$1 echo "Entered file name :"$2 grep -n "$1" $2 # $? gives exit status of last command if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo " Yes,the word present in the file" else echo "No,word not present" fi
o/p: ~]$ sh date Entered search string is:date Entered file name 2:date Yes,the word present in the file
#simple for loop for i in do echo "==>$i" done #for loop - for file in *. do echo “Hi” done #simple for loop-3 for (( j = 1 ; j <= 5; j++ )) do echo -n "$j " done
#print files with extension.c for file in *.c do echo "Filename==>$file" #place any no.of cmds cp $file /home/oss/cprogs done
while loop – syntax while [ condition ] do code block; done verify="n" while [ "$verify" != y ] do echo "Enter option: " read option echo "You entered $option. Is this correct? (y/n)" read verify done
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