2500/T800 Configuration The Visual Supervisor (T800) is designed to work with the Eurotherm Process Interface (2500) units. Eurotherm Process 2500 Interface units can be multidropped off the Visual Supervisor. The Visual Supervisor can also work with any third party I/O which supports PROFIBUS DPV1 and MODBUS RTU. Eurotherm Suite Software is used to configure the 2500/T800 system.
Setpoint Program Editor Eurotherm Project Studio User Screen Editor LINTools Visual supervisor ALIN Profibus/Modbus 2500 Eurotherm Project Studio is a graphical object orientated engineering tools for the configuration and commissioning of all the Eurotherm Suite components. All the software listed is fully compliant with Windows 95, 98, Me, NT and Windows 2000. iTools – iTools provides parameterization and commissioning features for the Process Interface (2500). iTools can scan the network on request and identify any series 2000 equipment connected to the network with a valid MODBUS RTU address. iTools also includes OPC Scope, which is used as a data analysis tool using Modbus or LIN OPC. LINtools – LINtools (Local Instrument Network) are a comprehensive set of configuration, test, documentation and commissioning tools for ALIN instruments (T800). LINtools includes graphical configuration for continuous control and sequencing control. The on-line monitoring facility allows users to observe databases and SFCs for commissioning and fault finding purposes. User Screen Editor – Is an PC tool used to generate custom screens for the T800, up to 99, which are derived from the database configured with LINtools or an auto created data base within the T800(more on this later). Setpoint Program Editor – Programs are configured from a PC using the Setpoint Program Editor, which provides multiple views of programs, including graphical (time or segment based) and spreadsheet. Programs can also be directly configured and edited from the Visual Supervisor. Expected and actual data can be viewed on the same display. Eurotherm Network Explorer - Eurotherm Network provides a view of any kind of actual attached network supported directly by Eurotherm (e.g.ALIN, MODBUS RTU, PROFIBUS DPVI), and is similar to the ‘Network Neighborhood facility of MS Windows. By expanding a network, all nodes discovered will be displayed, together with indication of type, name, network address etc. Various operations (such as Start, Stop and Download), can be performed on the network nodes via either the context menu or the file menu. iTools Setpoint Program Editor
Getting files into the T800 1 1.44 Floppy 2 SLIN 3 ALIN There are three ways to manage files — you can use: File Manager. Visual Supervisor’s inbuilt File Manager utility combined with floppy disks. This is the slowest method, but requires no external equipment. SLIN. Your PC running Eurotherm Network, via an SLIN (Serial Local Instrument Network) RS232 cable. This links a COM port to the jack socket on the instrument’s front panel (behind the floppy disk door). ALIN. Your PC fitted with an ALIN (e.g. Arcnet) communications card, running Eu-rotherm Network, linked to Visual Supervisor via an ALIN RJ45/RJ45 cable. This is the fastest method, but needs an installed comms card.
Auto Create Facility Polls all the 2500 bases and I/O fingers connected to the T800 Builds a system based on the Options selected :- Programmer Logging Loops I/O Modules I/O Channels 2.10 CREATING A DATABASE AUTOMATICALLY A valid LIN database must be present in order for the instrument to control a process. The normal way to create a database is to build one by selecting from a suite of function blocks using LINTools running on a PC (see ‘The LIN Blocks Reference Manual’, HA082375U003), and then downloading or importing it into the instrument. This topic describes a fast-track approach, by creating a database automatically using the resident Auto Database Create facility. This is intended to produce a ‘first-pass’ data-base, to enable novice users to get started quickly. It is not intended to generate the final database. What the facility does is to look at the instruments connected on the Modbus master communication line (primarily 2500 Controllers) and then to create a database that will operate with those instruments. Broadly, the process is as follows: 1. Connect up all configured 2500s (up to a maximum of 8 on Modbus nodes 1-8 only) 2. Set up the Modbus master communications settings to match those of the 2500s . 3. If necessary, unload any existing application using the Application Manager . 4. Run the Auto Database Create facility. Notes when using Profibus 1. If the unit is configured as a Profibus master, then the automatic database creation function will create function blocks for instruments located on the Profibus network (not the Modbus network) 2. For Profibus use, the node number of the Instrument must be greater than eight to avoid any potential clash with a slave node. 3. Only series 2400 and 2500 I/O controllers will be identified.
Common File Types Root File Name EXT/ICON Function LIN Database .DBF Control strategy database LIN Database Layout .GRF Block and wiring graphics .DTF Text comments used in LINtools LIN Device Database .RUN Coldstart File .SDB Eurotherm LIN Sequence Program Editor .UYS Eurotherm Setpoint Program iTools Database .UIC Eurotherm iTools Clone File User Screen Editor .UXP File used to generate .OFL file .OFL File used in T800 .GWF File required for Modbus comms .GSD File required for Profibus comms
LINtools 2000 LINtools is a powerful multi-purpose Windows-based software package for use both off- and on-line. Offline, LINtools creates and modifies LIN-based process control strategies, sequences, runtime graphics displays, MODBUS configurations, and text actions for a range of Eurotherm target instruments. Online, LINtools lets you monitor and interact with control and sequence strategies running in remote instruments across the LIN or ALIN, providing a versatile commissioning and strategy debugging toolkit. LINtools outputs files that can be saved locally to hard or floppy disk, or transferred to and from target instruments at high speed over the LIN via a PCLIN interface card, SLIN or ALIN via a PCALIN or Arcnet card. Designing block-structured strategies and sequences with LINtools is fast and straightforward. Engineering productivity is boosted by its ability to function as a central configuration terminal for all Eurotherm LIN-based products, capable of building a global database for distribution across the product range -- both current and future.
LINtools 2000 LINtools offers you: A common toolset for the ALIN product range Graphical configuration An extensive library of function blocks and control modules Powerful online commissioning features Automatic documentation LINtools is part of the Eurotherm Project Studio suite LINtools are a comprehensive set of configuration, test, documentation and commissioning tools for ALIN instruments. LINtools includes graphical configuration for continuous control and sequencing control. The on-line monitoring facility allows users to observe databases and SFCs for commissioning and fault finding purposes. Documentation and file utilities allow both strategy and graphics to be fully documented and transferred across the network. LINtools follows the IEC1131-3 standard.
LINtools Database Editor Three files are generated when you save a database in the LINtools Database Editor. They share the same root filename, but have different extensions according to their function: To save a database: 1. To save the database to its existing path/filename, click the Save toolbutton (or use the File > Save pulldown). NOTE You cannot save the database unless all blocks have been validly named. LINtools warns you of this situation. 2. To save the database to a new path/filename, select File > Save As..., and specify the new path/filename in the Save As dialog.
2500 DIN Rail Controller The 2500 DIN Rail Controller is a modular I/O system with local PID control blocks and “User Wiring” allowing local computation and combinational logic. It is configured using Eurotherm “iTools” running on a personal computer under Windows 95, 98, NT, XP or Windows 2000®. The standard communications to it is Modbus RTU, DeviceNet or Profibus DP. The unit is normally supplied as a number of separate parts, identified by a unique model code printed on labels attached to each item. The parts can generally be classified as follows: the Base - “2500B” the I/O Controller Module - “2500C” or “2500E” the I/O Modules - “2500M” the Terminal Units - “2500T” the 24V Power Supply - “2500P.”
2500 parameters shown in iTools Getting Started Control - The IOC fitted in the 2500 DIN Rail Controller has a number of options, such as 2, 4 or 8 loops of control and Toolkit Blocks depending upon the option ordered. This section applies to any number of loops, Auto Tuning, Zirconia control and Humidity control blocks. User Alarms -The 2500 has four unassigned analogue alarms and four unassigned digital alarms, which can be assigned from any parameter in the instrument. Operator – The Operator folder is general the first place to start. The follow parameters apply to this folder: Lineaerisation tables (up to three) Digital communication settings Global system settings Password entry and setup Instrument diagnostics IO - In the 2500 system, I/O Modules perform equipment interface functions to measure or generate raw voltages or current. Most transducer types can be connected straight into the I/O module via screw terminals. The IO is limited to the size of the base, be it 2, 4, 8 or 16 way base. Toolkit Blocks - Toolkit blocks are function blocks which can be customized by the user. They are used to calculate derived variables, to perform combinational logic and to trigger events when certain conditions are met. The constants in ‘USRVAL’ may be used as digital flags or analogue parameters. In the case of digital flags zero is interpreted as OFF, any other value is ON. Toolkit Blocks are only available if the 2500 IOC is ordered with the Toolkit Blocks feature enabled.Toolkit blocks provided in the 2500 are: Analogue operators Digital operators User Values Counters Timers Totalisers One Humidity block One Zirconia block Comms Blocks -Modbus communications is made much more efficient by reading parameters in blocks rather than one by one. Two tables are provided, one for read/write ‘Rw’ and one for read only ‘Ro’ communications. Diag – This folder contains diagnostic information related to digital communications. 2500 parameters shown in iTools
2500 control parameters shown in iTools The IOC fitted in the 2500 DIN Rail Controller has a number of options, such as 2, 4 or 8 loops of control and Toolkit Blocks depending upon the option ordered. This section applies to any number of loops. The loop type can be configured as: Single PID Single On/ Off Valve Position (Bounded or Boundless) Cascade pair Override pair Ratio The loop function block has inputs from a Setpoint Function block and a Process Variable measurement. Outputs from the loop function block may be wired to control plant actuators. Alarm conditions can be added to monitor plant conditions. Auto and Manual Tuning of the loop parameters can be made to suit the characteristics of the plant. 2500 control parameters shown in iTools
Single Loop Wiring Example Step1: To Connect the Input Module to the PID Loop 1. Select the Wireable Params tab 2. In the column Parameter, point and click the parameter to be wired to. In this example Control.LOOP01.PV 3. In the column Wired From double click (or right click - Edit Wire) on the parameter to be wired from.) 4. From the small browser window which appears, select the parameter to be wired from. In this example M01_C1.Val. This is found in the path I/O - Module01 - M01_C1 ® Val. 5. Press OK or double click on this parameter to complete the connection 6. To add a comment - double click in the Comment cell (or right click - Edit Parameter Comment). The comment may be as long as practicable. Step 2: To Connect the PID Output to an Output Module This uses the same procedure as above 2. In the column Parameter, point and click the parameter to be wired to. In this example IO.Module03.MO3_C1.Val 3. In the column Wired From double click (or right click - Edit Wire) on the parameter to be wired from.) 4. From the small browser window which appears select the parameter to be wired from. In this example LOOP01.wSP. This is found in the path Control - LOOP01 - wOP. 6. To add a comment - double click in the Comment cell (or right click - Edit Parameter Comment). The comment may be as long as practicable
2500 I/O configuration using iTools To Define I/O Module Type Select Set Access Level Configuration . 2. From the Device Browser open the I/O folder by clicking , or by double clicking on the I/O folder or folder name. 3. Select the module to be defined (e.g. Module1) by clicking , or by double clicking on the Module folder or folder name. 4. Select the module type, (e.g. MOD01) by single clicking on the folder or folder name 5. This will open the Parameter List in the right hand window 6. From the Parameter List select the Requested Module Type (e.g. ReqModID). This may be done in two ways:- a) by double clicking the ReqModID line. b) right click on the ReqModID line and from the small pop up window select Edit Parameter Value 7. From the small pop up window which appears, press the arrow to open a list of module types available. 8. Scroll to the Channel Type required and click OK or Apply. 9. The line Actual Module Type (ActModID) will change to the selected module type to confirm that the command was successful. 2500 I/O configuration using iTools