WEB PAGES: CREATING AND MAINTAINING ** Wednesday: 10:15 -11:15 Instructor: Frank Romanelli TA: Tom Keane Class Web Site:
PCs challenge TVs for leisure attention “ The personal computer souped up with gigahertz of processing power and speedy Internet connections is now a serious competitor for the TV when it comes to how we spend our leisure time at home. ” TheNewsJournal - Oct, 2003 “CoffeeBreak”
Survey of 500 home computer owners 62 percent, said they expect the amount of things they do on their computer to over the next year Increase
Survey of 500 home computer owners Want to spend more time to: 32 % want to publish a web site 21 % edit videos 17 % burn DVD’s 30% manage & edit digital photos
Answers to some basic questions…. So, you want to make a web page… How many web pages are there on the Internet ? indexes the greatest number of web pages provides a free service that searches this index in less than a second. as of December 2001 !! over two billion ©2005 Google - Searching 8,058,044,651 web pages The current estimated World Population is 6,782,464,366 *from the Sept.6, 2009www.census.com
What is a web page ?? An HTML file Located on the World Wide Web Often hyperlinked to other documents on the Web May reference other related files HTML file = TEXT file
What is a web page ?? An HTML file Located on the World Wide Web Often hyperlinked to other documents on the Web May reference other related files Any one of the MILLIONS of computers connected together as a SERVER Server vs. Client Server = I.S.P. Internet Service Provider ****************** Client = User
U of D Comcast Verizon AOL Juno EarthLink Server = Internet Service Provider
AOL UofD Comcast Juno Earthlink Verizon
Comcast AOL UofD Comcast Juno Earthlink Verizon
AOL UofD Comcast Juno Earthlink Verizon
What is a web page ?? An HTML file Located on the World Wide Web Often hyperlinked to other documents on the Web May reference other related files A text retrieval system that enables a user to access other web pages by clicking on links.
What is a web page ?? An HTML file Located on the World Wide Web Often hyperlinked to other documents on the Web May reference other related files Pictures…Sounds… Videos…
Connected to a Server – Internet Service Provider How do I access a web page ? Dial-up Cable DSL FIOS U of D Comcast Verizon AOL Juno EarthLink
Browser - A program that provides a means of viewing the contents of web pages and of navigating from one page to another. Connected to a Server – Internet Service Provider How do I access a web page ? Located on YOUR computer
Browser - A program on your computer that provides a means of viewing the contents of web pages and of navigating from one page to another. What’s a Browser ? Netscape Mozilla FireFox Opera Ace Explorer Chrome A browser must be able to read files from many different types of computers & Operating Systems Specifications developed / maintained by an international consortium of developers / software companies
Browser - Internet Explorer Address: Suffix The Domain Name Server (DNS) How does a browser access a web page ? I.P. Address Example
The Beauty of DNS DNS is a rather amazing distributed database. It handles billions of requests for billions of names every day through a network of millions of name servers administered by millions of people. Every time you send an message or view a URL, you are making requests to multiple name servers scattered all over the globe. What's amazing is that the process is usually completely invisible and extremely reliable! howstuffworks.com Internet Explorer Address: The Domain Name Server (DNS)
Browser - Internet Explorer Address: Server at the University of Delaware Default pageDefault page - “ index.html ”
Browser - Internet Explorer Address: File Name
Files and Folders
Root Directory Windows Documents & Settings Program Files My Webfiles C: DriveA: DriveD: Drive webfile1.html My Documents webfile2.htmlwebfile3.html
Internet Explorer Address: Sub-folder name & File name Suffix “edu” Domain “udel.edu” Sub-domain “www”
Internet Explorer Address: C:\my documents\my webfiles\index.html
Internet Explorer Address:
Internet Explorer Address: hypertext transport protocol
WEB PAGES: CREATING AND MAINTAINING ** L23 Wednesday: 10:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m. Instructor: Frank Romanelli This fast-paced, in-depth course challenges students to learn the skills necessary to design, create, and publish a Web site using various programming methods with emphasis on learning HTML. Limited to 12 students. Amount of outside preparation required for each class: * 0-1 hours ** 1-2 hours *** more than 2 hours with emphasis on learning HTML
Tools! Computer Internet Connection Browser ( to view ) Software Program ( to create ) Microsoft Front Page Netscape (Mozilla) Composer MS WORD Power Point Etc, etc etc … with emphasis on learning HTML Notepad WYSIWYG Editors
1.Plan Your Site 2.Plan Your Site 3.Plan Your Site 4.Plan Your Site 5.Plan Your Site 6.Plan Your Site 7.Plan Your Site 8.Plan Your Site Steps in creating a Basic Web Site 8. Plan Your Site 9. Enter Your Text and Headlines 10. Add Graphics 11. Use Tables to Organize Information 12. Add “links” to other pages 13. Get a Host 14. Domain Name 15. Publish Your Web Site
Discussion… Questions… W e b P a g e s HTML S e r v e r B r o w s e r I. S. P. D S L D i a l - U p C l i e n t D N S W. W. W. i n d e x. h t m l H T T P
Web Site - Examples Yahoo!
Web Site - Examples Civic League CPAW Family Pencader Heritage Yahoo!