02/03 Performance Data Alianza Charter School
Alianza System Sistema Revista de información Conneción con los Estándares Identificar Estándares Essenciales Vehículo: Curricula & Estrategías 3 Trimestres, 3 Ciclos Progreso: API & AYP
API API Target met last 3 years No longer Program Improvement School Target
AYP: 02 to 03 - % Proficient 13.6% 16.0%
CST: ELA - 5 Levels
CST: ELA - %P to 03
CST: ELA - Cohorts
CST: Math - 5 Levels
CST: Math - %P to 03
CST: Math - Cohort
CELDT: 477 Els - # of students
SABE: Cohorts - 6th 03
SABE: Cohorts - 5th 03
SABE: Cohorts - 4th 03
SABE: Cohorts - 3rd 03
RBM: English Levels Last year’s End of Year Benchmarks are indicated by red lines.
RBM: English
RBM: Español