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EspañaPerúBrasilCuba MadridParisLondresBarcelona SevillaGijónGranadaAlicante el País Vasco GaliciaCataluñaLima yoellanosotrosUsted unodosdiezdoce
Pienso que…I think that… Creo que..I believe La excepción es..the exception is porquebecause/for Es (from verb ‘SER’ to be)It is (permanent characteristics) un animal – una persona - un país – un continente - an animal – a person - a country – a continent de Inglaterra, Escocia, España… plural/singular un verbo – un adjetivo – un sustantivoa verb - an adjective - a noun masculino - femeninomasculine - feminine diferentedifferent los otros son…the others are… Está (from verb ‘ESTAR’ to be)It is (location & temporary states) Tiene (from verb ‘TENER’ to have)It has HayThere is/there are
¿Cuál es la excepción? ¿Por qué?
SkillThis means: Did you use this today? Give an example: Identification of vocabulary Finding out the meanings of words Categorising/ Pattern-finding Looking for ¬icing similarities & differences in words to help you sort them Synergising & synthesising Taking 2 or more suggestions, putting them together and coming up with a better outcome with your partner Reflection Sheet Q1 Which skill do you think has been the most important today, and why? Q2 How can you use these skills in other ways in your language learning? Q3 Choose one skill and write down ho it might be useful in other subjects OR at home