Active Student Learning at the Introductory Level Nayana Bose Center for Teaching
The Classic Model 3
Cover Material 3
5 Comfort in the Familiar
How Students Think All students are visual learners Attention span of 15 – 20 minutes Brain processes information in categories Students cannot multitask Debrief them after an activity 6
Starting a New Topic Pose a problem Case study – Real world problem Know student’s thoughts and misconceptions Video, film, news clip – follow up with questions 7
Participation Explain why you want them to participate Encourage participation – structure debate Allow other students to answer questions Ask questions throughout - thought-provoking counterintuitive 8
Problem Solving Think – Pair – Share Write a question Illustrative quotations Slides/Maps/handouts – ask them what they see before you tell them what you see 9
Varying the Format Brainstorming Case Discussion - Large number of right answers Show how experts solve problems Abstract theory in real world setting 10
Pre-Class Assignments Assign texts, videos, audio lectures Online exercise before class Explain why you are doing this Class – Discussions Case Studies Problem solving – Think+Pair+Share Follow up 11
Follow Up Minute Paper Muddiest Point Discussion Boards Concept Maps 12
Activity Choose a topic that you would like to teach Write down your plan to teach it over a few classes. 10 – 12 minutes. Form a group of 4. Explain your plan (and your reasoning) to your group. 14
Links to Teaching Guides on Flipped Class and Large Lectures guides/teaching-activities/flipping-the- classroom/ guides/teaching-activities/flipping-the- classroom/ guides/preparing-to-teach/teaching-large- classes/ guides/preparing-to-teach/teaching-large- classes/ 15