Engineering Graphics & Introductory Design 3D Graphics and Rendering REU Modeling Course – June 13 th 2014
Purpose of 3D Graphics 3D computer graphics is the science, study, and method of projecting a mathematical representation of 3D objects onto a 2D display Viewpoints (e.g. perspective) Lighting and shading Texturing
Purposes Visualization – generate representations of objects Engineering – CAD, Analysis, Working drawings Photorealistic rendering – produce computer generated images that look like reality Much more complicated and time-consuming to do
Real or Not??
CAD and Engineering Viz Equations to represent 3D objects Requires substantial computing resources Difficult for real-time simulations and computer games
Polygonal Models Modeling objects by sampling only certain points (vertices) on the object Connect using linear segments More computationally efficient (try to maintain low-poly models)
Photorealistic Rendering Need specific techniques for: Lighting Shading Texturing Bump mapping, etc. To mimic physical effects and produce a realistic image
Texture Mapping Also called “texturing” – a process of wrapping a flat texture (2D image) onto curved 3D geometry
Lighting & Shading Rendering programs allow fine control over lights Sources (e.g. ambient, spot, omnidirectional) Color, Intensity
Lighting & Shading Lighting calculations are performed to determine reflectivity of objects (e.g. “shininess” or “dullness”) Also where light does/doesn’t hit - shadows
Bump Mapping Bump maps simulate the roughness of surfaces even though the computer surfaces are generally flat Higher areas are light and lower areas are dark Create grayscale image to achieve this effect
3D Rendering Pixel-oriented rendering – Ray tracers Operates by tracing light rays as they intersect objects in the scene and the projection plane Very computationally expensive Polygon-oriented rendering – Scan-line renderers Operate object to object. Each polygon is drawn to screen. All objects are tessellated into polygons and then pixels
3D Rendering – Ray Tracing Does not take into account inter-reflections of diffuse light, resulting in hard shadows – add Radiosity
Scan-Line Rendering Lighting and shading is calculated using the normal vector of each polygon Linearly interpolated color across the polygon Shading methods Flat Gourand Phong
Scan-Line Rendering - Shading Phong is most realistic, but takes much more computation
Final A lot of other techniques to optimize as well as improve visual quality Clipping planes Real-time raycasting Image compression …
Advanced Tutorials Bump mapping using Photoshop Adding a light scene in Maya using a background image Creating hair on a character in Maya
Try it out Create a scene in Maya Add a texture map, you can download images from Google Experiment with bump mapping o Open your texture map in Photoshop and follow instructions on the tutorial o Notice the changes that occur when adjusting the bump depth Add light sources (area, spot, ambient, directional) o You can adjust the intensity and position as well as turning on shadows to develop your desired scene