The University Living Lab James Evans, Andrew Karvonen, Lucy Millard, Ross Jones and Tom Langridge
The opportunity Scale of campus and proposed development Quantity and quality of sustainability expertise Number of students on sustainability and low carbon related courses Growing importance of applied research to staff and students Established collaborative projects and programmes to build on
The Project Origins Goals - Collate existing and potential research and teaching activities for the UoM campus - Collate current and planned Estates activities (new build, retrofit and management) and relevant data - Establish venues for constructive collaboration between researchers and Estates - Apply for long-term funding from the public and private sectors - Produce a roadmap for future UoM living lab activities
Living lab approach ‘Institutionally bounded environment in which to make material interventions in the (real) world and learn from them in a rigorous way’ Experiment LearnMonitor
Mapping Sustainability Activity 335 sustainability contacts: 81 from PSS, 254 academics 96 current and recently completed research projects 128 research groups, centres and institutions across the university In-depth interviews conducted with 26 members of staff: 11 from PSS and 15 academics Keywords on areas of expertise collected for all 335 contacts
Distribution of people
Distribution of teaching in courses, ~7,000 students across 11 schools
Number of Students Involved in Sustainability Courses
What you told us... Unanimous support for closer links between campus and research/teaching Mutual understanding is critical Potential for upstream academic engagement leading to sequence of collaboration: Advice relationship growsresearch and teaching Need to institutionalise collaboration
Thank You! Many thanks to everyone from PSS who gave up their time to be interviewed Diana Hampson Emma Gardner Steve Jordan Frank Allison Andrew Hough Henry McGhie Arthur Nicholas Michael Bane Neil StubbsIan Madley Damian Oatway
Thank You! Many thanks to all the academics who gave up their time to be interviewed Maynard Case Babis Theodoulidis Colin Hughes John Broderick Ian Cotton Paul Dewick Peter Crossley Chris Cutts James Thompson Peter R Green James Winterburn Tim O’Brien Gregory Lane-Serff Richard Preziosi Sarah Mander
Special thank you to University of Manchester Research Institute (UMRI) for funding the University Living Lab for Sustainability Project