How to be SUCCESSFUL On the NHSPE Writing Exam
The Basics of the Exam There are two types of “prompts” or questions that you will have to answer A. Expository – This is ALL about yourselves! B. Persuasive – Pick a side and defend your position!!!!!!!!!!!
The Basics - Continued Time – You have ALL day within the course of the school day (so, from 7:00 am to 1:25 pm)
Success Checklist My essay/response will be successful if I: follow the directions given in the writing prompt stay focused on the main ideas organize my writing into paragraphs
use transitions to connect my ideas elaborate by using reasons, well-chosen and specific details, examples, and/or anecdotes to support my ideas include information and details that are interesting, thoughtful, and necessary for my audience to know
Follow This Format Your job is to write two (2) responses that answer two different questions Your job is to fill your page, or come close to it, with information Your job is to write two sentence responses
Part 1 – Brainstorm/Model Read and figure out what the question(s) are asking! Outline/Word Web/Brainstorm!!!!!!! Organize your thoughts/ideas!!!!!!! Begin writing using the following model:
Format for Responses Introductory Paragraph: Hook: makes the reader of the paper want to continue reading. Can be a definition, phrase or quote from a recognizable source, etc. Thesis: the "back bone" of the paper. States a position on a topic that can be proved in the paper. Make sure the topic is narrow enough to be upheld with facts in the following paragraphs.
Body Pragraph Topic Sentence: States the subject that will be discussed in the paragraph. A more detailed, narrower statement like the thesis. Concrete Detail 1: Fact quoted or paraphrased from the piece on which you are writing. Cite the source if directly quoted. Commentary 1: Comments on the importance of the concrete detail.
Commentary 2: Comments on the statement in commentary 1. Concrete Detail 2: Fact quoted or paraphrased from the piece on which you are writing. Cite the source if directly quoted. Commentary 1: Comments on the importance of the concrete detail.
Commentary 2: Comments on the statement in commentary 1. Concrete Detail 3: Fact quoted or paraphrased from the piece on which you are writing. Cite the source if directly quoted. Commentary 1: Comments on the importance of the concrete detail.
Commentary 2: Comments on the statement in commentary 1. Concluding Sentence: Wraps up the thoughts of this paragraph. Directly relates to the "Topic Sentence".
Conclusion: Wraps up the topic of the paper. Directly relates to the thesis statement but does not repeat it. DO NOT introduce any new facts in this paragraph. This paragraph is solely used to tie up the loose ends in the paper.
That’s It!!!!!!! Let’s Practice!!!!!!!!!!!