Combining Multimedia and Online Learning to Promote Active Learning in an Introductory Science Course Donald P. French, Professor of Zoology, Oklahoma State University Connie Russell, Assistant Professor, Angelo State University
Copyright Donald P. French and Connie P. Russell, 2003 This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the authors. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.
Overview How People Learn How/Why we incorporate technology into a brick-n-mortar classroom Our systems for on-line support of a brick- n-mortar classroom Assessment Results What we used to build it
How People Learn People are not blank slates or empty vessels to be filled
They don’t retain isolated information They must organized it But how does this organization arise?
Organization reflects connections Concept Factfact
So according to Theory of Constructivism People come with prior knowledge People must find a connection between new and old knowledge to be able to incorporate the new Some prior knowledge may be misconceptions that must be (self)identified and changed
How should teaching accommodate learning? Present material in context Provide concrete, meaningful examples Allow social interaction Provide opportunity to assess students current conceptions/understanding Strive to have students reach a deep understanding
Active Learning Classroom Involves students in physical and mental activities that engage students with the subject “hands-on” experiences “hands-on” experiences Social interaction Social interaction Problem solving Problem solving
So how does this work?
Theory Sections - Format Intersperse Lectures and in-class exercises Duration: 5 Minutes 5 Minutes 30 seconds 30 seconds Longer periods Longer periods Students work in groups (35-63!)
Types of exercises Solve problem Sample test questions Sample test questions Offer Opinions Observe - Generalize Observe and Propose Hypotheses Design Experiment
What does multimedia provide students? Multisensory context in which to introduce/apply concept Visualization of abstract phenomena Opportunity to make observations that can form the basis for generalizations, hypotheses Provides a common experience for students
Characteristics of Scenarios Provide Stories or Situations About topics to which students can relate Present Question(s) Connect variety of topics
Provide opportunities to apply concepts in different contexts Evolution – pervasive throughout semester Others applied repeatedly, e.g. Gradients Gradients Surface-to-volume ratio Surface-to-volume ratio Structure/Function Structure/Function Laws of Thermodynamics Laws of Thermodynamics
Integrate-Connect Information Tundra (Biome) Thermoregulation Respiration Cellular Respiration from different levels
Software is Centerpiece
Software Design Recommendations Minimize the use of text Make labels available as needed Make navigation obvious and as non- linear as possible Use sound and special effects sparingly Avoid embedded explanatory narration Consider “options” to fit instructor-student needs
Do all the students see the same connections at the same rate? No!! So must offer support
We use websites to offer support. Basic Alternative Representations Alternative Representations Organizational Tools Organizational Tools Formative assessment tools Formative assessment toolsExtensions more detailed explanations more detailed explanations other applications other applications
I liked the multimedia lecture materials because they made the class more interesting.
I liked the multimedia lecture materials because they helped me learn the material
I used the WWW site often
I used the class website more than my textbook to study for class.
I used the scenario study guides to help me take notes during class.
I think being able to access the scenario software on the WWW is very helpful.
I think the interactive exams on the WWW are very helpful.
I think the tutorials on the WWW are very helpful.
I think the On-Line Essential Study Partner from McGraw-Hill helped me learn.
If I could replace the lecture with an on-line (WWW) component and just attend lab I would.
What’s behind the curtain?
Server Arrangement (HTML) Application Server/ Streamer Real Server (assorted media) Quicktime Server
Authoring Tools Multimedia Authorware Authorware Flash Flash Quicktime Quicktime Real Producer Real Producer Sound Forge Sound Forge Premiere Premiere Fireworks FireworksWebsite DreamweaverMX ColdFusion MicrosoftSQL
Thank You Donald P. French, Ph.D. Oklahoma State University Connie P. Russell, Ph.D. Angelo State University