Høgskolen i Oslo Using Self-Compiled, Discipline- Specific Corpora as a Practical Learning-Research Tool for Developing Written Language Skills in English for Academic Purposes Daniel Lees Fryer, Oslo University College (OUC) Researching Writing in Education and the Workplace NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, April 2009
Høgskolen i Oslo Introduction l Background and Learner Needs/Rationale: English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and Corpus Linguistics l Addressing Learner Needs: Course in Corpus Linguistics for Non-Linguists l Proposed Course Design l Challenges: Points for Discussion l Contact Details and References
Høgskolen i Oslo EAP l “to help non-native speakers of English [NNS] master the functions and linguistic conventions of texts that they need to read and write in their disciplines and professions” (Hyon 1996: 698) l Genre-based teaching and research l Common learner-identified need: Improved knowledge of discipline-specific terms and phrases (OUC needs analysis forms) l EAP instructor’s background/skills
Høgskolen i Oslo Corpus Linguistics (CL) l Data-driven research into language use (general or specific) l Corpora in EAP---data-driven learning (DDL): traditionally, concordancing in general or “academic” corpora (BNC, MICASE, instructor compiled) l Additional need: Personalized, discipline- specific material
Høgskolen i Oslo Example: Concordancing BNC: Sample results for compared to
Høgskolen i Oslo Addressing Learner Needs 1) Improved knowledge of discipline-specific terms (learner perceived) 2) Personalized EAP material (instructor perceived) l Introductory course in CL for NNS PhD candidates and researchers (cf. Lee & Swales 2006) l Supplement to existing EAP courses for staff l Expansion of “traditional” use of CL techniques l Self-compiled, discipline-specific corpora
Høgskolen i Oslo Proposed Course Design l Short course: 3-4 sessions, c. 12 hours in total l Overall aim: To develop increased awareness of lexical, grammatical, and rhetorical conventions of own discourse community, and application of acquired skills beyond scope of course l Content: –online search techniques –analyzing freely available online corpora (BNC, MICASE) - concordancing –using CL software (WordSmith, AntConc) to analyze and compare various online/offline corpora - concordancing, keywords –Compiling own corpora and applying above-mentioned techniques –Workshop and individual presentations
Høgskolen i Oslo Challenges: For Discussion l Identifying learners’ specific needs l Evaluating how CL can/should address these needs l Assessing learners’ technical competency/interest in CL l Designing and implementing a course in light of these needs/interests (software, CL techniques, types of corpora, pedagogical considerations, course duration) l Measuring potential learning outcomes l Evaluating quality/relevance of corpora l Reconciling top-down EAP vs. bottom-up CL l Avoiding copyright infringement and DRM issues l Considering role of EAP in general in addressing need for terminology-based language learning
Høgskolen i Oslo Contact Details & References Contact Daniel Lees Fryer Office for Recruitment and Development Dept. of Organization and Human Resources Oslo University College, PO Box 4, St. Olavs plass NO-0130 Oslo, Norway Tel.: ; References Hyon, S. (1996). Genre in three traditions: implications for ESL. TESOL Quarterly, 30, Lee, D. & Swales, J. M. (2006). A corpus-based EAP course for NNS doctoral students: moving from available specialized corpora to self- compiled corpora. English for Specific Purposes, 25,