Clinical Coder Qualifications
2 Vocational Education and Training VET
3 Registered Training Organisation RTO
4 Australian Quality Training Framework AQTF
5 A Training Package is a set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications used to recognise and assess the skills and knowledge people need to perform effectively in the workplace. Training Packages
6 A unit of competency specifies the knowledge and skills, and the application of that knowledge and skills, to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. Unit of Competency
7 These break down and describe the key outcomes which make up the unit of competency (or workplace function). E.g. Interpret and comply with ethical practices and rules of conduct Interpret work role and responsibilities Identify risks Elements
8 These are assessable statements which specify the required level of performance for each of the Elements. E.g. Record data clearly, accurately and completely Maintain confidentiality at all times Performance criteria
9 Accredited February 2010 Health Training Package 3 units of competency HLTCC301A – Produce coded clinical data HLTCC401A – Undertake complex clinical coding HLTCC402A – Complete highly complex clinical coding RTO status
10 Introductory Clinical Coding – HLTCC301A Intermediate Clinical Coding – HLTCC401A Advanced Clinical Coding – HLTCC402A 7 th edition Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) Current Clinical Coder Training
11 Australian Qualifications Framework AQF
12 AQF Schools SectorVocational Education and Training Sector Higher Education Sector Senior secondary certificate of education Vocational Graduate Diploma Vocational Graduate Certificate Advanced Diploma Diploma Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I Doctoral Degree Masters Degree Graduate Diploma Graduate Certificate Bachelors Degree Associate Degree Advanced Diploma Diploma
13 Full qualifications Certificate III in Clinical Coding Certificate IV in Clinical Coding Diploma in Clinical Coding Clinical Coding
14 Career pathways Pathways to university Professional recognition Industrial Awards Apprenticeships Funding Advantages
16 HLTOHS200A – Participate in OHS processes HLTOHS300A – Contribute to OHS processes BSBOHS407A – Monitor a safe workplace Example - UOCs