CHAMBER AMBASSADOR TEAM MISSION The Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Team is a group of members dedicated to welcoming and engaging with both new Members and current Members. To welcome new Members, the Ambassadors will contact them in person or by phone prior to their introductory Dinner Meeting. They will encourage new Members to attend the meeting, make a particular point of networking with them and introduce them to other Chamber members. The Ambassadors attend Chamber events and encourage all Members to attend and participate themselves.
WHAT IS THE TIME AND EFFORT COMMITMENT? Attend at least one Chamber function per month (approximately 2-3 hours/month) We understand schedules can change from month to month, that is why we offer a variety of events at different points in the month and on different days. The Ambassador Team term runs from July to June. Make 2-5 welcoming phone calls/visits to new Members per month (approximately 1 hour/month) Ambassadors will be provided with their new Member assignments after the Monthly Board Meeting. Submit a Member Engagement Report after completing welcoming phone calls (Deadline TBA) The form template will be provided to you each month and will include a Chamber Feedback form for suggestions or comments about the calls process. Attend Ambassador Team meetings when they are scheduled (Approximately 2 per term) The team will have an Ambassador Orientation at the beginning of the term and one half- way through. Dates will be provided by the end of May.
BENEFITS Chamber Nametags identifying you as a Chamber Ambassador. Acknowledgement (photo, bio, link to business) on the Chamber Ambassador Webpage. Expand your network and establish relationships by helping others facilitate their own network and relationships.
APPLICATION PROCESS Contact the Chamber office for an Ambassador Program application form. Return by the deadline: Monday, April 20, 2015 at 5:00 pm.