Materials Science research and the Library Cynthia Bail Science and Engineering Librarian.


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Presentation transcript:

Materials Science research and the Library Cynthia Bail Science and Engineering Librarian

What resources does the library have? Image credit:



Databases ACM Digital Library ASME Digital Library Compendex IEEE Xplore Inspec SAE Digital Library Scopus SPIE Digital Library SpringerMaterials Web of Science Image credit:

How do you discover these resources? Image credit: Image credit:

Library catalogue subjects

Catalogue title or keyword searches

Library guides Suggested article databases Links to ebook collections Hints about searching for: –Dissertations –Conference proceedings –Standards –Patents

Engineering and Scientific data Handbooks and reference books are found as print and e-books Searching within an ebook collection means digging deep into chapters of a wide range of handbooks (not just one). Examples: Knovel CRCNetBase

Knovel sample ebook

Materials Science –titles from Knovel collection

Knovel subjects

Publishing trends in engineering Subjects are multidisciplinary Indexing of journal articles can span several databases Journals, ebooks sold by 3 rd party vendors and publishers Search interfaces for articles and ebooks have powerful features Search interfaces for articles and ebooks have flaws Companies are buying each other up

Materials science can include… All Materials Science Materials Science Special Topics Analysis/Characterization of Nanosystems Materials for Energy Systems Batteries & Fuel Cells Metals & Alloys Biomaterials Optical & Non-Linear Optical Materials Biopolymers Optics & Photonics Carbon Materials Organic Electronics Ceramics Photonics & Lasers Composites Polymer Characterization Condensed Matter Polymer Physics Construction Materials Polymer Science & Technology General Corrosion Polymer Synthesis Crystallography Polymer processing Dental Technology & Materials Science Polymers Special Topics Electronic Materials Porous Materials Failure Fracture Properties of Materials General & Introductory Materials Science Semiconductor Physics Joining, Welding and Adhesion Sensor Materials Magnetic Materials Soft Matter Magnetism Solid State Physics Materials Characterization Theory, Modeling & Simulation Materials Processing Thin Films, Surfaces & Interfaces

Publishing trends Journals indexed in multiple databases

Publishing trends More databases provide citation counts Citation counts measure the impact of a journal or an author. Many databases count the number of times an article is cited by other works. Each database or search engine’s counts can be different.

Publishing trends Personal accounts Search alerts Cited by alerts

Journals with impact What are the top journals in the field Do we subscribe to these? How do we know who is citing these? Are we publishing in these? Are we citing these?

Top journals in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Note: Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database provides rankings by Impact Factor and other indices of journal quality. Journal Title 2011 Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index 2011 Articles Cited Half- Life Eigenfactor Score Article Influence Score In Catalogue? Nature Materials Yes Nature Nanotechnology Yes Progress in Materials Science Yes Nano Today Yes Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports Yes Advanced Materials Yes Nano Letters Yes Annual Review of Materials Research > Yes ACS Nano Yes Advanced Functional Materials Yes

Does we subscribe to top journals? We have 100% of the top 10 titles with highest impact in the field (according to JCR) A further analysis of the top 50 showed that we have subscriptions or open access to current and some or all backfiles for 94% or 47 titles.

How do we know who is citing these?

Citation counts

Are we publishing in these journals & citing them? A few searches with a small sample of materials researcher names showed articles in 2 of the top 50 journals –ACTA MATERIALIA –INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY Who is citing one or more articles: Set an autoalert Use the option “View Citation overview” (SCOPUS) Create a citation report (Web of Science)

Review and questions

Are library resources exploited to their full potential? Top journals by impact factor Citations in two sample databases illustrated some of your materials colleagues publish in top journals

Materials related citations the library Journals Article Databases Ebook collections

Publishing trends in engineering disciplines make discovery options more complex. Journals may be indexed in multiple databases Database interfaces have different search, display and cited search features

Are you aware of all the journals and databases that could be used in your teaching and research? Working with you to discover appropriate journals, databases, ebooks Can embed links to the library resources within your course website

Are your students using library resources or just Google? Bringing the relevant literature closer to your students could enrich the discovery process and further improve the quality of literature reviews.

How well do materials science journals, databases, ebooks meet your needs? Gaps in our resources:  ASM handbooks within Knovel ebooks collection  METADEX (METals Abstracts/Alloy InDEX) database covering literature on metallurgy and materials Have you experienced situations where articles, proceedings or other materials were not easily discoverable or accessible?

Enhance the understanding of resources available to Materials Science researchers Was this goal achieved? Would you recommend any significant resources that we are missing? Do you see the benefits of embedding library content in course websites?