BGYB30 Mammalian Physiology Today: –Course Organization –Intro to Cellular Physiology Next Lecture: –Intro to Nervous system organization and the neuron
BGYB30 Mammalian Physiology Nerve Muscle Endocrine
Course Organization Bryan Stewart, Ph.D. Lectures –Tuesday & Thursday 12 noon (Lec 01) 1 pm (Lec 02) My Office Hours –Tuesday 2-3 pm; Wed 11am-12 noon, S540C –By appointment –Tutorial time slots
Teaching Assistant 1.Afshan Ghesmy-Bahkt –Office hours: TBA
Course Organization Tutorials –every third Thursday 5-7 pm alternating with BGYB10 and BGYB50 BGYB30 Tutorials –September 9 - cancelled –September 30 –October 21 –November 11 Question & Answers Extended Office Hours
Course Organization –I cannot answer course related sent to my regular address Communications
Course Organization The Intranet Webpage –Syllabus –Announcements –Lecture notes Communications
Course Organization I will try to post lectures 24 hrs in advance I reserve the right to add or delete material from the posted notes during the lecture Lecture Notes
Textbook –Eckert Animal Physiology 5 th Edition, 2001 by Randall, Bruggren, & French, W.H. Freeman and Company. –All material will be covered in lectures and the text will supplement lectures –Lecture Topics and sections of the textbook will be posted to webpage Course Organization
Evaluation: –Mid-term 40% of final mark –Final exam 60% of final mark Multiple choice questions Short Answer questions The final will be comprehensive covering all of the course material Course Organization
About me… BSc 1990 –University of Guelph MSc 1991, PhD 1996 –University of Toronto, Dept of Physiology Fellowships: – Stanford University – The Hospital for Sick Children Professor at UTSC since July 2001
About me.. Research Interests –Neurophysiology –Synaptic Transmission –Neuromuscular development I use fruit flies as a model system to study the molecular mechanisms used in neural function and development
Course Goals: Understand the underlying mechanisms that contribute to nerve, muscle, and endocrine function Understand the cellular basis for higher order physiological systems Appreciate the experimental foundations of physiological knowledge
Teaching Philosophy organize material explain (hopefully) why it is interesting Present a model for how to learn the material But it is up to you to learn it!
Major Course Topics –Neurophysiology –Muscle Physiology –Endocrinology Why these three? –Together these systems sense and respond to the environment Mamalian Physiology
Physiology Physiology – the branch of biology that studies how living things function, especially with respect to the physical and chemical phenomena that are used. THAT MEANS… –A little physics, a little chemistry, a little anatomy…
Physiology Asks fundamental questions about how things work –My emphasis is on the cellular level
Intro to Cellular Physiology
The cellular plasma membrane –Composed of phospholipids & proteins –Selectively permeable barrier Lets essential molecules IN Lets waste products OUT Maintains cell integrity
Phospholipid bilayer Gases O 2,CO 2 Ethanol H20H20 Ions :Na +, K +, Ca 2+ Sugars:Glucose Amino Acids ATP Permeability of pure phospholipid
Membrane Proteins Mediate Transport Across the Plasma Membrane 1A ATP-powered pump 1B Transporters ATPADP + Pi A Uniporter B Symporter C Antiporter out in
Membrane Proteins Mediate Transport Across the Plasma Membrane 2 Ion Channels A Voltage -gated B Ligand -gated closed + - open + + ligand open Membrane voltage
3 G-Protein Coupled Receptors Signal transduction Membrane Proteins Mediate Transport Across the Plasma Membrane
1.ATP-powered pump 2.Transporters 3.Voltage-gated ion channel 4.Ligand-gated ion channel 5.G-protein couple receptor Na + /K + pump Glucose Transporter Na+ channel, K+ channel Neurotransmitter receptor Neurotransmitter & Hormone receptors Transmembrane Protein Example
Distinctions 1.Pumps and transporters basal cell function 2.Ion channels and G-protein coupled receptors excitation and inhibition of cell function
Question from 2002 final exam Identify three major groups of transmembrane proteins discussed in class, indicate how they function, and give examples of how they act to stimulate and inhibit cellular physiology.
Next Lecture –Introduction to Nervous System Organization of the nervous system The neuron