Materials Science and Technology Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Heng Ban, Professor, Utah State University 12 November 2014 Anaheim, CA
MSTD Mission Promotion of the development of materials and materials technology for application to all aspects of the production of nuclear energy and related energy sources and to the direct applications of radiation to materials
MSTD Objectives Promote the advancement of materials science in Nuclear Science Technology Support the multi-disciplines which constitute MSTD Encourage research by providing a forum for the presentation, exchange, and documentation of relevant information Promote interaction and communication among its members Recognize and reward MSTD members for significant contributions to the field of materials science in nuclear technology
MSTD Governance Chair: Heng Ban Vice-Chair: Micah Hackett Secretary/Treasurer: Julie Tucker Executive Committee Members: Heng Ban,Bryan Chin,Chaitanya Deo, Jacob Eapen, Kevin Field, Ken Geelhood, Micah Hackett, Robert Hanrahan, Zhijie Jiao, Djamel Kaoumi, Sean McDeavitt, Randy Nanstad, Andrew Nelso, Cynthia Papesch, Ken Petersen, Simon Philpot, Totju Totev, Jim Tulenko, Peng Xu, Yong Yang Immediate Past President: Bryan Chin International Liaison: Vincenzo V. Rondinella (ITU) BOD Liaison: Kenneth Peterson
MSTD Committee Chairs Technical Programs: Ken Geelhood, PNNL YMG Liaison: Cynthia Papesch, INL University Liaison: Arthur Motta, PSU Honor and Awards: Jim Stubbins, UIUC Website/Newsletter/Publications: Travis Knight, SC Nominations/Membership: Bryan Chin, Auburn
MSTD Governance Succession Planning Status Secretary/Treasurer Vice Chair Chair Communication EC minutes and updates posted to website
MSTD Membership Trend
MSTD Membership
MSTD Budget 2014*2015** Income Carry Forward49,83844,642 Member Allocation3,0442,316 Total Income52,88253,409 Expenses National Meetings01,000 Student Support5,500 Awards & Plaques01,000 Total Expenses5,5007,500 Net Budget47,38239,458 * Actual balance as of 8/31/2014 **Proposed budget, June 2014 Income from topical meetings Expenses for student support at: –national meetings –student conferences –topical meetings Schumar Scholarship –fully endowed –awarded annually
MSTD Meetings Class I Topical 2013, 2015 Global (International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference) 2013 International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems 2015 Reactor Fuel Performance / TopFuel 2014 Plutonium Futures Class II Topical 2011, th International Conference on Environmental Degradation in Nuclear Power Systems Class III Topical 2012, 2014, 2016 Nuclear Fuels & Structural Materials 2012, 2014, 2016 ICAPP Track 8 Materials & Structural Issues
MSTD Awards Mishima Award Special Achievement Award Outstanding Achievement Award Literary Award Significant Contribution Award Past Chair Award 25 Year Award Student Literary Award Schumar Scholarship
MSTD Contributions Standards – none Position Statements – none Student Support Best paper awards at student conferences Travel support for students at national and MSTD-relevant meetings Affiliations with other technical organizations shared/rotating meeting sponsorship with other divisions and societies
Summary Areas of Success Engaging young professionals on the Executive Committee Technical programming at National Meetings Topical meetings sponsorship Support of students Focus for Future Action Increase student engagement at national and topical meetings