The Roaring Twenties!!
The Red Scare With the communist takeover in Russia (the USSR) many Americans became even more fearful of American supporters of communism. Supporters of communism became known as “reds”. In a famous courtroom case, defendants Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted of murder even though evidence pointed to their innocence. The jury found them guilty due to their political leanings; both were proclaimed anarchists. The governor of Mass appointed a commission to truly see if they should receive clemency. In the end both were electrocuted to death.
The Rise of the KKK After the World War I the KKK targeted others than just blacks. Fear of communism led to anti- _immigration backlash and the Klan targeted immigration, Jews and Catholics. They became a very powerful political force during the 1920s, but saw their popularity decline as the decade progressed.
Prohibition In 1920, the 18 th Amendment went into effect. The amendment basically outlawed the sale and consumption of any alcoholic drink. Many “temperance” organizations had fought for years for prohibition believing it would solve many of the nation’s social ills (like public drunkiness and spousal abuse)
Of course, Prohibition caused other problems. If you wanted a drink you just went to a speakeasy (an unadvertised bar). Bootlegging (smuggling) of liquor and criminal gangs became a major problem. Bootlegging was big business and gangsters like Al Capone in Chicago would pay off elected officials and the police.
The Scopes (Monkey) Trial John Scopes was a biology teacher in Tennessee. He was charged with teaching evolution. The trial was really viewed as a trial between the new generation of the roaring twenties vs. the older more conservative generation. William Jennings Bryan (representing the county and Clarence Darrow (representing Scopes) dueled in the “Trial of the Century”. In the end, Darrow actually asked Bryan to go on the stand to defend his argument against evolution. While on the stand Darrow made Bryan look like a befuddled old man. In the end Darrow actually asked the jury to find his defendant guilty so that the case could be appealed. Scopes was found guilty & fined $
The Radio There was no TV back then, but the Scopes Trial was followed closely on the radio.
The Great Migrations
The Great Migration(s) Over 400,000 African Americans left the south in search of factories in the north jobs during World War I. Thousands more left after the war was over. There was another Great Migration during and after World War II. Unfortunately, many segregation laws began to develop in many northern cities.
The Harlem Renaissance Public Schools in New York City were not segregated. Thousands of the brightest African Americans flocked to NYC. That helps to explain the development of The Harlem Renaissance. Music, art, literature and other forms of art during the 1920s and 30s.
I Too Sing America I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," Then. Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed I, too, am America.
Women and the 1920s Many women helped on the homefront during World War I. Their hard work proved too many that they deserved the right to vote (suffrage). The 19 th Amendment was finally ratified in 1920.
Women and the 1920s During the 1920s many younger women became more liberal about who they were. Movies and fashion magazines helped shape their opinions on dress, cars gave them access to go wherever they wanted to go and the right to vote gave them power. These forces helped many younger women of the 1920s to become more expressive about who they were
Women of the 1920s They cut their hair short, wore lots of makeup and frequented speakeasies. They were known as flappers.
Roaring??? Historians refer to as the “Roaring 20s” because there was a lot of change especially in how people behaved (socially).