Understanding and using NCDOT Workspaces WTS Seminar July 29, 2008 Understanding and using NCDOT Workspaces Bryan Edwards, PE NCDOT Cadd Services Manager
Presentation Overview Fundamentals of DOT workspace How workspace affects CADD environment Tools inside DOT workspace Unit specific tools InputFile Spreadsheet tool for Prop cross-sections Insight into DOT’s Cadd future Questions
Fundamentals of DOT Workspace Design and Intent Advantages / Limitations Where are the Workspaces located? How do I get the Workspaces? Update Workspace Program Changelog
Design and Intent Toolbox Concept A good way to understand the concept of the NCDOT Workspaces is to think about them as being a toolbox .. Or rather as several different toolboxes. A tool box for Roadway Design, a Tool box for Hydraulic Design, and so on.
If you are in need of a hammer, and you go to your tool area to find a hammer … Would it be easier to find if it looks like this?
Or like this?
Design and Intent NCDOT_STDS Location_STDS Roadway_STDS General Apps Generic Cells All Levels LineStyles NCDOT_STDS Unit Specific Apps NCMAP Location_STDS Roadway_STDS Hydraulics_STDS Utilities_STDS Rail_STDS Unit Specific Cells The NCDOT_Stds workspace contains general information (levels, cells, etc) and applications (ms_Start, DesignFileGenerator, etc). Each unit’s workspace contains cells, applications, and access to levels that are Specific to the particular unit
Advantages / Limitations Organization of tools – the workspace limits the tools available to the user based upon what is needed for the particular workspace the user is in. Protection – the workspace prevents someone from doing work they shouldn’t be doing in the first place! Or from someone “messing up” the work of someone else in a different discipline. Protection – for example, we don’t want someone in Roadway Design bringing up a Location tool to “do location work.” If this were necessary, the file should be sent back to Location to make the corrections/changes since they are responsible over that data. Understandably, this concept works pretty well for central engineering, where most users don’t “cross-disciplines.” (Roadway work is done by Roadway Design, Hydro is done by Hydraulics, etc). However in the divisions, it does not work that well as the same user may be doing Roadway work one day and Hydraulic work the next … One important note to remember is that each unit is responsible to manage/maintain there own workspace. Cadd Services maintains the NCDOT_Stds workspace as well as the architectural configuration.
Where are the Workspaces Located? Locally on C Drive On a Server Most units run their workspaces locally on the c drive. Some run them from a server .. The advantage being that everyone is always mapped to the latest (ie, they don’t have to run the update workspace program)
How can I get NCDOT Workspaces? www.ncdot.org\~cadd You can get instructions on how to setup the workspaces on your computer on our web page. Environment Variables must be set for the workspace to work correctly.
Update Workspace Anyone can access the NCDOT workspaces. From the instructions on the Cadd Services website, you can download and run the application and select which workspaces that you want to update. A checkmark indicates that the workspace is already loaded and current on your machine. (One note, if the system environment variables have not been defined as indicated in the instructions, this program will not work!)
V8_STDS_CHANGELOG.DOC There is a changelog file that tracks ALL changes to the NCDOT_Stds workspace. It is maintained and updated by Cadd Services.
Fundamentals of DOT workspace How workspace affects CADD environment The workspace directly affects the Cadd environment. For example, when in the Roadway Workspace, you can only draw features that pertain to roadway design. The levels that are available, directly pertain to Roadway design. And any roadway specific tools, in-house programs, etc, that pertain to roadway design, can only be accessed when in a Roadway Workspace. The same applies no matter what workspace you are in.
Fundamentals of DOT workspace How workspace affects CADD environment NCDOT_STD Tools Lets take a look at some tools (In house programs) that are in the NCDOT_Stds workspace. These applications are available no matter what workspace is selected.
NCDOT_STD folder structure General folder structure of NCDOT_Stds. This is similar for all the other workspaces.
Mapping Manual Located in the Help folder – The main purpose of the Mapping Manual is to provide instruction for the compilation and classification of features on plan and topographic mapping. Features were included that either had a feature codes for data collection or appeared on NCMAP dialogs, but may or may not be shown in both categories. This Mapping Manual can be used to educate in feature code usage for field surveys to ensure compatibility with photogrammetric mapping and show stereo compilers/editors proper feature usage.
MS_Start NCDOT utilizes an in-house program called MS_Start to open MicroStation. This program actually opens the file in non-graphical mode and scans the working units to make sure that it correct for NCDOT. If the working units are correct, it closes the file from Non-graphical mode and opens in graphical mode … a process which is essentially instantaneous to the user. If the NCDOT_UNIT_WSNAME environment variable has not been defined in the system variable, then the MS_Start dialog prompt appears. This allows the user to pick the workspace that is desired. This is a feature that is most commonly used by our Division folks, who could be doing location/survey work one day and then Roadway Design work the next … or even all in the same day.
Design File Generator Design File Generator is an in-house application that does several things. It picks the correct (NCDOT) seed file based upon the radio button selections. 2D vs 3d, English vs Metric. It also names the file according to the NCDOT naming file convention .. Based upon the selection fields at the top of the dialog.
InputFileWiz_Undivided_Template DeleteResource.Bat SrvConn.exe Mapdrive.exe InputFileWiz_Undivided_Template DeleteResource.Bat – Batch file to delete all geopak resource files. Many times when geopak applications are not working properly and there is no good explanation, the best thing to do is to delete the resource files. This is a quick way to do that … Otherwise you have to locate the files in windows explorer and select the .rsc files and delete. Srvconn and Mapdrive are probably not very helpful unless you are a DOT employee. The InputFileWiz application is a spreadsheet program that generates input files for running proposed cross-sections. It was initially developed with our Division users in mind who are not as skilled with editing debugging input files.
Fundamentals of DOT workspace How workspace affects CADD environment NCDOT_STD Tools Unit Specific Tools Each Unit has probably quite a few tools specific to itself. This Presentation will demo just a few.
Location_Stds NCMAP Probably one of the largest and most successful in-house applications is in the Location workspace. It is called NCMAP. It is used to draw all existing features. It is very easy and intuitive to use. It also utilizes a relatively new program called “autotext” (a program whose usefulness, we hope, will expand into other workspaces)
Live Demo Make sure to demo autotext
Hydraulics_Stds Hydro Tool Box The Hydraulics Unit has developed a tool bar that, if you do hydraulic design, you may want to familiarize yourself with. Again, you have to be in MicroStation in the Hydraulics workspace to access it. Go to Tool Boxes, and select the Hydro V8 Tools. The tool box contains several heavily used tools within Hydro. There are several Barmenus (in particular the Pipes, DRN SYS, and DET Menu) that perform the majority of hydro’s drafting and design.
Live Demo Make sure to demo autotext
Traffic Control_Stds Barmenu Traffic Control unit has a barmenu application that draws most everything they need. The Barmenu should appear automatically in the Traffic Control workspace.
Live Demo
Fundamentals of DOT workspace How workspace affects CADD environment NCDOT_STD Tools Unit Specific Tools InputFile Spreadsheet tool for Prop cross-sections
Live Demo
Fundamentals of DOT workspace How workspace affects CADD environment NCDOT_STD Tools Unit Specific Tools InputFile Spreadsheet tool for Prop cross-sections Insight into DOT’s Cadd future
What is coming in Cadd? Currently running MicroStation 2004 MicroStation XM - Why have we not moved to it yet? Geopak XM - “Roadway Designer” Where is NCDOT going as far as CADD is concerned? We are currently running on MicroStation 2004 and version of Geopak. We are in the process of converting all of our machines over to MicroSoft XP operating System. Once this occurs, everyone will be running the latest 8.8 version of geopak. Why haven’t we moved to MicroStation XM? Up until a few weeks ago, we there was essentially no difference between Geopak XM and Geopak 8.8. But, the most recent release included what is called “Roadway Designer,” which is a new feature that we are heavily interested in. Roadway Designer is a template based (Not criteria based) application that is advertised to deliver a proposed 3d model which is something that NCDOT has a great deal of interest in. It remains to be seen as to whether we will still need criteria files With roadway designer or whether it will replace the functionality That criteria files are currently used for.
Fundamentals of DOT workspace How workspace affects CADD environment NCDOT_STD Tools Unit Specific Tools InputFile Spreadsheet tool for Prop cross-sections Insight into DOT’s Cadd future That is the extent of what I have to show you. There is much more inside the workspaces so I would encourage you to use the workspaces and dig around to see what tools are there. Questions ?
Thank you!!