Level Ladder for RE Some suggestions for assessment using the eight level scale
To move up to level 1 children must be able to: Learning about religion Use remembering skills to recall part of a story Use some correct names for things that are special to religious people Pick out religious symbols or words in a picture or story Learning from religion Talk about themselves and things that have happened to them Talk about things they find puzzling talk about what is important them Use the word ‘because’ correctly to give a single clause reason KEY SKILLS: Recall, name, communicate
To move up to level 2 children must be able to: Learning about religion Sequence the main events in a story correctly Talk about things that some religious people have in common e.g. praying Talk about what some religious symbols stand for ( e.g. the cross reminds Christians of Jesus’ death) Learning from religion Ask about what the feelings of others Talk about the questions a story might make them ask Talk about what is important to them and others Give a reason in the form of a consequence about themselves or a simple appeal to authority KEY SKILLS: retell, asking questions, simple reason
To move up to level 3 children must be able to: Learning about religion Describe what a believer might learn from a story Describe some things that are the same and different for religious people Use religious words in their own independent work Learning from religion Identify similarities and differences about things that influence them Ask questions and explore different answers to them describe the difference beliefs can make to the way some people behave Give a reason based on consequences that affect them or others KEY SKILLS: describe, compare, reasoning based on consequences
To move up to level 4 children must be able to: Learning about religion Describe the impact of religion on the lives of believers Use religious key words and quotes correctly in detailed pieces of writing and/or in oral presentations Use a range of different ways to present the beliefs and ideas of religious people e.g. words, art, drama Learning from religion Give reasons why some people inspire or influence them Use more than one reason to support their view and begin to make use of principles to support their view Ask questions about the meaning and purpose of life and suggest answers that show they have taken into account the views of religious believers Ask questions about moral decision and suggest consequences for different types of action KEY SKILLS: describe, using evidence, suggesting a range of answers, giving several reasons
To move up to level 5 children must be able to: Learning about religion Explain how religious sources and evidence are used by religious believers to provide answers to questions about life or an issue being studies Explain the impact of religion on the lives of believers Explain why some people have the same or different beliefs Use a range of religious vocabulary from different religions independently and correctly Learning from religion Give reasons for more than one point of view Provide several pieces of evidence to support a view Explain some of the challenges a believer may have when following their religion KEY SKILLS: explaining, reasoning for two sides of an argument,
references I can statements ( betterre website) Presentation by Dilwyn Hunt to RE Advisers November 2010 Assessed RE ( Lat Blaylock)