1 Career Ladder Informational Meeting Fall 2006
3 What are the Goals of the Career Ladder Program? Enhance efforts aimed at fostering Improved Student Achievement Support District and State-wide Education Goals/Initiatives Provide an incentive to help Attract & Retain a High-Quality Certificated Staff
4 What is Career Ladder? A program that rewards excellent educators for the work they do over and above what is required and expected. A variable match program established in 1985 by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. For the School Year, approximately 339 School Districts participate in some form of a Career Ladder Program.
5 What is Career Ladder? A program with three stages and an increased financial incentive at each stage: –Stage 1$1,500 for a minimum of 60 hours, 30 of them Direct Student contact, and at least 2 responsibilities –Stage 2$3,000 for a minimum of 90 hours, 45 of them Direct Student Contact, and at least 3 responsibilities –Stage 3$5,000 for a minimum of 120 hours, 60 of them Direct Student Contact, and at least 4 responsibilities
6 Who Is Eligible to Participate? Educators who meet specific criteria at each stage (state minimum requirements, districts can adopt higher standards): –Stage 1 5 years experience in MO public school Appropriate certification A full-time Classroom Teacher, Librarian, Counselor, Speech Pathologist Most recent summative evaluation indicates “meets expectations” on each criteria Prepare a Career Development Plan Must have 30 hours of Professional Development from the previous year
7 Who Is Eligible to Participate? –Stage 2 Two years successful completion of Stage 1 Career Ladder Appropriate Certification A full-time Teacher, Library Media Specialist, Counselor, Speech Pathologist Must perform at “meets expectations” level or above on most recent summative evaluation, must ‘exceed’ expectation on 2 criteria between #5 and #12 on the PBTE Prepare a Career Development Plan
8 Who Is Eligible to Participate? –Stage 3 Two years successful completion of Stage 1 Career Ladder and three years successful completion of Stage 2 Career Ladder Appropriate certification A full-time Teacher, Library Media Specialist, Counselor, Speech Pathologist Must perform at “meets expectations” level on most recent summative evaluation, must “exceed expectation” on 3 of the criteria, 2 of them between #5 and #12 on the PBTE Must earn a Master’s Degree or 30 graduate hours before the Tuesday after Labor Day of the current Career Ladder year Prepare a Career Development Plan
9 How Would Career Ladder benefit ME? Financial Incentive for Completing Responsibilities/Activities Personal Satisfaction of Knowing the Positive Impact you may have on Student Achievement Counting Activities/Responsibilities that may be taking place prior to implementation of the program
10 How will Career Ladder benefit Students and the District? Great Potential to Improve Student Achievement Students will have opportunities to be involved in many different activities Extends learning into the time before or after school Provide incentives to attract and retain quality teachers
11 What Types of Activities/Responsibilities are Acceptable? Activities that take place outside contracted time that are directly related to or tied to one of the following: –District Comprehensive School Improvement Plan –Curriculum Development Plan –District Professional Development Plan –Missouri School Improvement Program –Instructional Improvement –Include Student Contact Hours –Board of Education Goals
12 What Types of Activities/Responsibilities are Acceptable? Examples of acceptable activities: –Student Tutoring occurring before or after contracted time –Parent Education Programs or Informational Nights for parents –Student Contact Hours that have potential to Improve Student Achievement (Science Olympiad, Math Contest, Tutoring, etc.) –Professional Development that occurs outside of contracted time –Curriculum Work
13 What Types of Activities/Responsibilities are NOT Acceptable? NOT an Inclusive List −Fundraising −Painting a Classroom −School Beautification Projects −IEP Meetings −Writing lesson plans −Open Gym −Church activities −Attending Board of Education Meetings
14 How Would I Sign Up? If this would become an approved program for the district: –Submit an application to the Career Ladder Committee by April 1 st of the preceding school year
15 What Should I Do Now? Complete the survey to be distributed at conclusion of presentation Return the completed survey to your Building Representative on the District Career Ladder Committee no later than Thursday, November 16 th, 2006 – the sooner the better (Amount of Interest will be ‘key’) Ask questions to clarify information about the Career Ladder Program Find Out More detail at: – Teaching and Learning; Career Ladder Planhttp://
16 Who Serves on the Career Ladder Committee? Teri VaughnPrimary School Suzanne RexroadElementary School Janis YokleyIntermediate School Dana ScottMiddle School Robyn BrickerHigh School John StahlElementary School Becky GallagherIntermediate School
17 When Will There Be A Decision? The Career Ladder Committee will compile all completed surveys to gauge overall interest, calculate estimated costs, etc. and submit a recommendation to Central Office (hopefully by December 20 th, 2006) Central Office will determine whether to present the program for approval to the Board of Education. – hopefully no later than February Complete and Return those Career Ladder Survey Forms!
18 Final Comments Thanks for Coming Thanks for Your Attention and Time Please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the Career Ladder Committee if you have any questions or comments.