“Build your own ladder” “Get ‘em while they’re hot” Dr. Tony Zeiss
Wake Up Call
People + Purpose = Success Cultivate Peak Performance… - in yourself. - in your employees.
Build Your Own Ladder I.Vision II.Thought III.Influence IV.Reciprocity
Greatest Predictor of Career Success “Personal Vision”
II.Power of Thought We Are What We Think
Thoughts Belief Action Optimistic or Pessimistic Reactive or Anticipatory
“Remember, whether you think you can or you can’t… You’re right!” - Henry Ford
III.Power of Influence (Lead your people) 9. Law of Learning 8.Law of Self-Confidence 7.Law of Organization 6.Law of Results
5.Law of Problem Solving 4.Law of Team Work (Trusting Relationships) 3.Law of Work Ethic 2.Law of Communication
1. Law of Attitude
Thoughts Belief Action Old John Thoughts Belief Action Old John
If You Don’t Like the Facts Change Your Attitude
Four Primary Motivators of Workers 1.Recognition 2.Sense of Belonging 3.Personal Growth & Making a Difference 4.Fair Compensation~ (Love your people)
IV. Power of Reciprocity “We Reap What We Sow” “Do Unto Others…”
America is facing the greatest labor & skills shortage in its history!” “America is facing the greatest labor & skills shortage in its history!” The Big Challenge
Smart Organizations Are… 1.Attracting 2.Developing 3.Retaining Peak Performers!
I. Attracting Peak Performers Establish great reputation for a good place to work. Establish a reliable worker supply chain. Partner with community colleges Provide competitive salary and benefits. Closely match candidates’ abilities & interests to the job profile.~
II. Developing Peak Performers Provide effective & relevant training for all employees. Provide effective motivation for all employees. Provide a supportive & caring environment.
Employee Motivators Recognition A sense of belonging significance & A sense of significance & personal growth Fair compensation tied to achievement & productivity~
III. Retaining Peak Performers First, hire the right people for the job. Treat them with respect, trust, and do what you promise. Understand why you lose good employees.~
Why Employees Leave Distrust Little or no recognition Little or no recognition Little sense of purpose Little sense of purpose Inadequate compensation Inadequate compensation Poor work environment Poor work environment Poor supervisors Poor supervisors Job insecurity Job insecurity Undervalued Undervalued
To Be the Best, Ask this Question: “How would I compete with myself, my department, my company?”
Lead ‘em with Optimism!
This Power Point presentation is located at: About the College President’s Office Presentations