Coherence, Dynamics, Transport and Phase Transition of Cold Atoms Wu-Ming Liu (刘伍明) (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Collaborators S.T. Chui (Delaware Univ.) J.Q. Liang (Shanxi Univ.) B.A. Malomed (Telviv Univ.) Q. Niu (Texas Univ. at Austin) S.Q. Shen (HongKong Univ.) B. Wu (IOP, CAS) Z.D. Zhang (IMR, CAS)
Outline 1. Coherence 2. Dynamics 3. Quantum transport 4. Quantum phase transition 5. Spinor BEC 6. Boson - Fermion mixture
1. Coherence (decoherence) 1.1. Atom-molecule coherence 1.2. Atom-molecule coherence 1.3. Molecule-molecule coherence 1.4. Decoherence
1.1. Atomic BEC coherence W. Ketterle, Science 275, 637 (1997).
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Gross-Pitaevskii equation Long time solution
Theoretical explanation Fringe position Central fringe
Experimental prediction: 1. Energy level 2. Many wave packets Ratio of level width to level spacing
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1.2. Atom-molecule coherence ( 87 Rb 2 ) E.A. Donley et al., Nature 417, 529 (2002).
1.3. Molecule-molecule coherence R.H. Wynar et al., Science 287, 1016 (2000).
1.4. Decoherence M.K. Kasevich, Science 298, 1363 (2002).
2. Dynamics 2.1. BEC near Feshbach resonance 2.2. Soliton 2.3. Vortex
S. Inouye et al., Nature 392, 151 (1998) BEC near Feshbach resonance
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Z.W. Xie, Z.X. Cao, E.I. Kats, W.M. Liu, Nonlinear dynamics of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 71, (2005).
L. Li, B.A. Malomed, D. Mihalache, W.M. Liu, Exact soliton-on-plane-wave solutions for two-component Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. E 73, (2006).
3. Quantum transport W.M. Liu, W.B. Fan, W.M. Zheng, J.Q. Liang, S.T. Chui, Quantum tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices under gravity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, (2002).
Landau-Zener tunneling Barrier between lattices is low Localized level between lattices is coupling Miniband Adiabatic approximation Tunneling between delocalized states in different Bloch bands Potential energy and Bloch bands
Tilted bands and WS ladders Wannier-Stark tunneling An external field Wavefunction of miniband is localization Miniband is divided into discrete level Wannier-Stark ladder Tunneling between localized states in different individual wells — Wannier-Stark localized states
At high temperature: Arrhenius law Temperature dependence
Crossover temperature At low temperature: Pure quantum tunneling At intermediate temperature: Thermally assisted tunneling
4. Quantum phase transition Superfluid Mott insulator Insulator + disorder = Bose glass Insulator + weak disorder = Anderson glass Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless transation Magnetic phase transition
M. Greiner et al., Nature 415, 39 (2002)
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G.P. Zheng, J.Q. Liang, W.M. Liu, Phase diagram of two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice , Phys. Rev. A71, (2005)
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2.5. Spinor BEC J. Stenger, Nature 396, 345 (1998).
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Z.D. Li, P.B. He, L.Li, J.Q. Liang, W.M. Liu, Soliton collision of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A71, (2005).
L. Li, Z.D. Li, B. A. Malomed, D. Mihalache, W. M. Liu, Exact soliton solutions and nonlinear modulation instability in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A 72, (2005).
2.6. Boson - Fermion mixture R.G. Hulet, Science 291, 2570 (2001).
Summary 1. Coherence 2. Dynamics 3. Quantum transport 4. Quantum phase transition 5. Spinor BEC 6. Boson - Fermion mixture
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