South West and Mid Wales Consortium Consortiwm De Orllewin a Chanolbarth Cymru Regional Support, Challenge and Intervention Framework RSCIF / FfCHYRh Fframwaith Cymorth Her ac Ymyrraeth Rhanbarthol
Regional Vocabulary Geirfa Rhanbarthol System Leaders / Arweinwyr System Lead Practitioners / Ymarferwyr Arweiniol Lead Practitioners of Numeracy and Literacy / Ymarferwyr Arweiniol Llythrennedd a Rhifedd
Outlining amendments / Amlinellu newidiadau Category names Change in emphasis School self- assessment The recording sheet Ladder of Support and Intervention Enwau categorïau Newid pwyslais Hunan-asesiad yr ysgol Y daflen gofnodi Ysgol Cefnogaeth ac Ymyrraeth
Category names / Enwau’r categorïau Good and outstanding schools no change Schools Causing Concern no change Ysgolion da a rhagorol dim newid Ysgolion sy’n achosi consyrn / peri pryder dim newid
Category names / Enwau’r categorïau ‘Coasting / underperforming schools’ ‘schools needing to improve aspects of leadership and / or provision’ ‘Ysgolion sy’n tanberfformio / gorffwys ar eu rhwyfau’ ‘ysgolion sydd angen gwella agweddau o arweinyddiaeth a / neu darpariaeth’
Category names / Enwau’r categorïau ‘ Developing schools ’ ‘ Schools needing to improve outcomes for learners’ ‘ Ysgolion sy’n datblygu’ ‘ Ysgolion sydd angen gwella deilliannau i ddysgwyr ’
Outcomes 1.1 Standards Results and trends in performance compared with national averages, similar providers and prior attainment Standards of groups of learners Achievement and progress in learning Welsh language 1.2 Wellbeing Attitudes to keeping healthy and safe Participation and enjoyment in Learning (with particular emphasis on attendance) Making a judgement for Learner Outcomes A judgement is made against each of the 6 quality indicators. The 6 judgements are then averaged to arrive at an overall ‘best fit’ judgement by applying the following considerations: the overall judgement cannot be higher than the judgement for the main driver / lead indicator only one of the other 5 judgements can be below the grade awarded as the overall judgement to reflect current inspection practice, the judgement on well being cannot be better than adequate if the school has consistently poor attendance when benchmarked against similar schools The judgement for learner outcomes will be further informed by the school’s band according to the national banding model (secondary schools only).
Capacity to Improve KQ2 Provision 2.1 Learning experiences Meeting the needs of learners, employers/community Provision for skills 2.2 Teaching Range and quality of teaching approaches Assessment of and for learning 2.3 Care, support and guidance Safeguarding arrangements Additional Learning Needs KQ3 Leadership 3.1 Leadership Strategic direction and the impact of leadership 3.2 Improving Quality Self-evaluation, including listening to learners and others Planning and securing improvement 3.3 Partnership Working Strategic partnerships 3.4 Resource Management Management of staff and resources
Making a judgement for Capacity to Improve Judgements can be recorded on the RSCIF recording sheet (Appendix 1) A judgement is made against each of the 11 quality indicators and progress from the last inspection as listed above. The 11 judgements are then averaged to arrive at an overall ‘best fit’ judgement by applying the following considerations: the overall judgement cannot be higher than the judgement for Strategic direction and the impact of leadership of the other 10 judgements, weighting should be given to Range and quality of teaching approaches no more than two judgements can be below the grade awarded as the overall judgement
School Self-Assessment / Hunan- asesiad Ysgol
School Self-assessment / Hunan-asesiad Ysgol
Continued / Parhad
Ladder of Support and Intervention / Ysgol Cefnogaeth ac Ymyrraeth Graduated programme of support and intervention according to category Regionally defined minimum of school entitlement Capacity to deliver has been modelled against 58 fte System Leaders within RISIS Use of commissioned school to school support Lead Practitioner support Rhaglen graddedig o gefnogaeth ac ymyrraeth i bob categori Lleiafswm o hawl a haeddiant wedi ei ddiffinio’n rhanbarthol Capasiti i weithredu’r rhaglen wedi ei fodelu yn erbyn y 58 fte o Arweinwyr System o fewn RISIS Defnydd o gymorth ysgol i ysgol wedi ei gomisiynu Cymorth gan Ddarparwyr Arweiniol
Workshop / Gweithdy On your tables: divide the ‘Ladder of Support and Intervention’ into sections each person read their section in detail and summarise the main points to the table. Ar eich byrddau: rhannwch yr ‘Ysgol Cymorth ac Ymyrraeth’ ymysg eich gilydd darllenwch eich darn yn fanwl a chrynholi’r cynnwys i’r gweddill
Autumn Visit / Ymweliad yr Hydref
Example Foundation Phase target setting sheet
Example KS2 & KS3 target setting sheets
Example KS4 target setting sheet
Categorisation letter / Llythyr categoreiddio Aiming for consistency Clarity of the message Agreed priorities for improvement Governors De-personalise ERW letterhead Anelu at gysondeb Eglurder y neges Blaenoriaethau cytun ar gyfer gwelliant Llywodraethwyr Di-bersonoli Llythyr pennawd ERW