Developing a road map/impact ladder toward 2013 NBDC reflection meeting May 21-22, 2013
NBDC Gaps and opportunities – ways forward N2: Simplify. Rationalize N’s Research into action N3: M&E N4: Impact of RMS on hydrological processes: run-off, transpiration, sediment loads etc? N5: Linking national platform to the N’s. Scattered info across projects
Dragons Reflections Not much consideration of irrigation Are the platforms having any impact? Gaps Lack of interventions Limited lifespan of project Links to govt. and NGO interventions
Afternoon session More gaps Health/nutrition/WASH Scenario development Drivers: climate change/population growth Integration with CRP’s Irrigation
activities outputs Impact ladder outcomes impact
OLM ACTOR and how they will CHANGE Outcome targetHow it is measured Milestones Change 1: Wereda, Regional, and/or NGO planners active in study site landscapes are using more effective tools for planning for RMS at landscape scale: 1) Evidence-based 2) Tailored to different social and ecological niches 3) Cross-sectoral 4) Participatory K: Wereda, Regional, and/or NGO planners active in study site landscapes are aware of potential entry points for evidence based planning for RMS Documentation of collaborative processes 1a. Needs assessment baseline for planning processes completed 1b. Planning needs workplan and process developed 1c. Planners engaged in L&PA/LP processes
Tasks up to coffee Review OLM in project groups (30 mins) – What are you core research areas and their associated outcomes? – What links with other projects would help you (2 or 3 things) – What could you offer to other projects (2 or 3 things) Moving round the projects (30 mins) Developing an action plan in plenary (30 minutes)