The idea is to describe a past holiday using picture prompts like these of your own. The 4 x questions on the next page are designed to help you plan what to say. Ideally you will deliver it all as a presentation without being asked individual questions.
1. ¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones el año pasado? (Where did you go on holiday last year?) 2. ¿ Con quién fuiste? ¿Cómo fuiste? ¿Cómo fue el viaje? (Who did you go with? How did you get there? What was the journey like?) 3. ¿Qué hiciste allí? (What did you do there?) 4. ¿ Qué tal lo pasaste? (Did you have a good time?) Year 8 Spanish summer speaking assessment
Level 2: short, simple (one or part phrase) responses to 3 of 4 questions. Pronunciation is approximate but meaning clear. Level 3: answers of two phrase length in 2 of 4. Pronunciation is intelligible in general. Several complete sentences. Level 4: answers presented as one mini-presentation - pronunciation generally accurate, sentences mostly have correct verb forms. Opinions & reasons included with linking words. Level 5: Pupils do as for level 4 and delivery is quite fluent, pronunciation generally accurate, sounds like the speaker is meaning what they say confidently. NB: Half levels are also possible. Enter marks on marksheet as follows: Level 5 = 19, 4.5 = 17, 4 = 15, 3.5 = 13, 3 = 11, 2.5 = 9, 2 = 7 Prepare answers of 2(or 3) sentences for each question that include the following: Present (reg & irreg) 2 Future Preterit8 Imperfect Verb & infinitive1 links2 opinions2 reasons1 adjectives1 questions negatives comp./sup. spelling errors