Christopher Caudill, Charles Boggs, Eric Johnson, and Matthew Keefer


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Presentation transcript:

The use of PIT tags to evaluate passage of adult Pacific lamprey at Columbia and Snake river dams Christopher Caudill, Charles Boggs, Eric Johnson, and Matthew Keefer Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources University of Idaho

The use of PIT tags to evaluate passage of adult Pacific lamprey at Columbia and Snake river dams Christopher Caudill, Charles Boggs, Eric Johnson, and Matthew Keefer Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources University of Idaho Chris Peery, USFWS Mary Moser & Howard Pennington, NOAA-Fisheries Dave Clugston, Derek Fryer, & Sean Tackley, USACE And many more...!

Background Daytime counts 1939-1969 mean: ~104,700 2010: ~6,200 ~39,600 Day + Night +LPS = 24,328 in 2010 Sources: Starke & Dalen 1995; DART

Adult lamprey passage issues Passage bottlenecks in fishways Passage delays and failures at dams Gaps in knowledge of basic life history

Adult lamprey passage issues Passage bottlenecks in fishways Passage delays and failures at dams Gaps in knowledge of basic life history Monitoring issues: long freshwater period (up to one year) battery life in active tags tag size potential for FDX PIT-tag collision

Presentation objectives Overview of current HDX-PIT research program Examples of monitoring technology Examples of lamprey research results Local scale (i.e., flume and fishway studies) Meso scale (i.e., river reaches, dam-to-dam) Hydrosystem scale Future directions

Resources Technical reports and papers on HDX-PIT research Effects of body size and river environment of the upstream migration of adult Pacific lampreys. N Am J Fish Manage 29:1214-1224 Variability in migration timing of adult Pacific lamprey in the Columbia River, USA. Enviro Biol Fishes 85:253-264 Testing adult Pacific lamprey performance at structural challenges in fishways. N Am J Fish Manage 30:376-385 Behavior of adult Pacific lamprey in near-field flow and fishway design experiments. Fish Manage & Ecol (in press) Development of Pacific lamprey fishways at a hydropower dam. Fish Manage & Ecol (in press)

Research toolbox Monitoring systems Tradeoffs Radiotelemetry Acoustic telemetry HD PIT tags Tradeoffs Different tools for different questions Complimentary Tag life limitations Handling issues

Monitoring system tradeoffs Active radiotelemetry Good for tailraces, fishways, tributaries Best current tool for dam passage metrics External antenna may contribute to tag effects Acoustic telemetry Good for deep water No external antenna Limited application in turbulent water with entrained air

Monitoring system tradeoffs Passive HDX-PIT tags Unlimited tag life: useful for overwinter evaluation Fewer known tag effects Limited application for fine-scale fishway evaluations

HDX-PIT fishway antennas

HDX-PIT antennas in Lamprey Passage Systems (LPS)

Bonneville WA-Shore

HDX-PIT monitoring sites Bonneville Univ. of Idaho sites NOAA fisheries sites Flow OR Shore WA Shore Ladder LPS Entrance Ladder

HDX-PIT monitoring sites The Dalles John Day Flow OR Shore WA Shore WA Shore OR Shore Flow

HDX-PIT monitoring sites McNary Ice Harbor WA Shore OR Shore Flow North Shore South Shore Flow Priest Rapids: ladders only Lower Monumental, Lower Granite: 2011 installations

Numbers tagged Bonneville McNary Radio HDX-PIT Radio 1997 147 1998 205 Total: all studies 1999 199 2000 299 2001 298 2002 201 2005 --- 841 40 2006 --- 2,000 40 2007 398 757 60 2008 595 609 34 2009 596 368 84 JDA: 79 HDX-PIT 2010 312 19 18 BON: 30 JSATS

Double-tag detection efficiencies Radios HD-PIT Dam Site Total detected detected BON WA-shore exit 52 88% 85% BON Bradford exit 25 100% 96% TDA East exit (1) 31 100% 86% TDA East exit (1+2) 95% TDA North exit 16 100% 63% JDA South exit 8 100% 100% JDA North exit 1 100% 100% * Missed detections included power outages, shed / failed tags

Biological Questions Local Scale Meso-scale Hydrosystem scale flume studies of swimming performance and behavior passage of individual fishway structures Meso-scale dam passage metrics inter-dam conversions Hydrosystem scale multi-dam escapement and final distribution

Experimental fishway tests (1999-2008)

Cascade Island entrance HD-PIT antennas Half-duplex antennas

Cascade Island entrance HD-PIT antennas Half-duplex antennas Detection efficiency of 84% double tagged fish (RT/HD; N = 31 CI double-tag entrances)

Cascade Island entrance HD-PIT antennas First antenna records 76% 22% 0% 2%

Detection of 68 HD-PIT tagged lampreys Percent detected at each antenna 85% 41% 25% 46% Number of antennas: 34% (23) 1 of 4 antennas 41% (28) 2 of 4 antennas 19% (13) 3 of 4 antennas 6% (4) 4 of 4 antennas

LPS use, passage time, & passage efficiency estimates

Biological Questions Local Scale Meso-scale Hydrosystem scale flume studies of swimming performance and behavior passage of individual fishway structures Meso-scale dam passage metrics inter-dam conversions Hydrosystem scale multi-dam escapement and final distribution

Dam passage estimates - 2009 Escapement from release below BON

Passage times: Release past Bonneville Dam

10 lower Columbia River reaches ► Faster passage when warm, low flow Reach passage times: Effects of river environment 10 lower Columbia River reaches ► Faster passage when warm, low flow

Upstream escapement: lamprey size effects Release to pass Bonneville Dam: HDX PIT

Fish size effects - 2009 Escapement: Release to Bonneville exit Small n Small n Weighted regressions

Biological Questions Local Scale Meso-scale Hydrosystem scale flume studies of swimming performance and behavior passage of individual fishway structures Meso-scale dam passage metrics inter-dam conversions Hydrosystem scale multi-dam escapement and final distribution

Dam passage estimates - 2009 Escapement from release below BON

Date and size effects Pattern is repeated in most radio and HDX-PIT studies +5% +7% +14% +19% Logistic regression Bonneville P = 0.03 The Dalles P < 0.001 Common, but less universal effect John Day P = 0.04

Last detections: 172 HD-only fish that passed BON 2009 Fishways = 9% Tops of ladders, LPSs = 91% 2% PRD 1% IHD Klickitat R 1% 1% JDA 24% MCN 22% TDA None detected at 3-Mile Dam 44% 5% BON John Day R Deschutes R

Overwintering Tagged 2008 - Bonneville Detected 2009 - Bonneville

Conclusions HDX PIT-tag technology has been a critical tool in an integrated research program: Radio-telemetry Acoustic telemetry Optical and acoustic camera imaging Assess movements and migration at multiple spatial scales

Future HDX-PIT applications Continued evaluation of fishway modifications, e.g., Lower Monumental Dam, Lower Granite dams (Now), Bonneville Washington Shore (2013) Tributary monitoring Migration success...

American Shad and FDX PIT-tags

Migration system and “success” Philopatry Natal Stream Obstruction 85% Successful 15 % Unsuccessful

Migration system and “success” Natal Stream Philopatry: Obstruction 85% Successful 15 % Unsuccessful Site infidelity: Obstruction 85% Successful 15 % Successful

Migration system and “success”: Site infidelity Unaltered migration corridor: Obstruction 85% Successful 15 % Unsuccessful Spawning Stream

Migration system and “success”: Site infidelity Unaltered migration corridor: Obstruction 85% Successful 15 % Unsuccessful Spawning Stream Obstruction Altered migration corridor: 15 % Successful 85% “Successful”?

Migration system and “success” Obstruction Altered migration corridor: 15 % Successful 85% Successful Obstruction Altered migration corridor: Reduction in total population size & Need to assess lifetime fitness “Successful”?

Resources Technical reports and papers on HDX-PIT research Effects of body size and river environment of the upstream migration of adult Pacific lampreys. N Am J Fish Manage 29:1214-1224 Variability in migration timing of adult Pacific lamprey in the Columbia River, USA. Enviro Biol Fishes 85:253-264 Testing adult Pacific lamprey performance at structural challenges in fishways. N Am J Fish Manage 30:376-385 Behavior of adult Pacific lamprey in near-field flow and fishway design experiments. Fish Manage & Ecol (in press) Development of Pacific lamprey fishways at a hydropower dam. Fish Manage & Ecol (in press)

Reach escapement: radio-tagged fish From release past dams

Transmitter and HDX PIT specs Radio tag: NTC-4-2L 32 mm HDX 1997-2002 43 mm 11.0 mm 2002-2007 MCFT-3BM NTC-6-2 29-30 mm 9.1 mm 2008-2009 NTC-4-2L 18 mm 8.3 mm 7.7 g 4.5 g 2.1 g 2005-2009 23 mm 4.0 mm 0.6 g HDX PIT Radio 32 mm 0.8 g Year Model Length Diameter Weight

Monitoring systems: Hydrosystem scale BON TDA JDA MCN IHR PRD Radiotelemetry HDX-PIT Radiotelemetry HDX PIT tag Ladder exits Ladder exits Tailraces -- Fishways (limited JDA, PRD) Fishway sites (BON, MCN, IHR) Tributaries / Reservoirs -- -- LPS systems (BON)