AMSTERDAM adCore For Agencies Acquire. Manage. Communicate.
Presented By: Michael Bassin Sales Manager AMSTERDAM Points: 10,005 Rank: 16 Level: Platinum
AMSTERDAM adCore For Agencies Acquire. Manage. Communicate.
Technological Edge AMSTERDAM adCore takes your SEM capabilities beyond normal human capacity.
Certification AMSTERDAM But why? Does certification even mean anything?
adCore Points AMSTERDAM Measuring Expertise. Simple way to measure adCore expertise without tests or exams. Earn experience and gain points as you work with adCore. Compare your ranking with other individuals and agencies.
You do. You score. AMSTERDAM Each activity in the system earns you points.
Climb the ladder * Agency Level = User Level X 2 AMSTERDAM
Rankings AMSTERDAM Clients can compare top-ranked adCore agencies in their country.
Your Customers Can Find You. AMSTERDAM Start at Blue and climb the ranks to Platinum.
Help your clients find you. AMSTERDAM
Agency Unlimited AMSTERDAM No tax on adCore use. Sell adCore campaigns under your own license.
Manage your user list. AMSTERDAM Clients are assigned account managers within adCore.
Manage your agency performance. AMSTERDAM
Manage your client contracts. AMSTERDAM Build a contract to track the details
Manage the billing process. AMSTERDAM
The Bottom Line AMSTERDAM
Communicate with clients. AMSTERDAM Send s to your clients or colleagues from within adCore
Use individual templates. AMSTERDAM Design your own templates that will be sent from within adCore.
adCore For Agencies AMSTERDAM Tailor-made Client Management on a Grand Scale.