Everything We Need to Know for Intervention Notebooks
Kindergarten In the notebooks you will find: 1. Initial sound fluency student materials 2. 4 initial sound fluency scoring booklets
Kindergarten At the end of this 9 weeks, kindergarten teachers will begin progress monitoring of initial sound fluency on a weekly basis with students identified as the lowest 10% per grade level. Teachers will be asked to monitor the 4 most at-risk students per classroom even if some of those 4 students are not in the lowest 10% of the grade level.
First Grade In the notebooks you will find: 1. Nonsense Word Fluency student materials 2. 4 Nonsense Word Fluency scoring booklets 3. Oral Reading Fluency student materials 4. 4 Oral Reading Fluency scoring booklets
First Grade On the fourth week of school, first grade teachers will begin progress monitoring of nonsense word fluency on a weekly basis with students identified as the lowest 10% per grade level. Teachers will be asked to monitor the 4 most at-risk students per classroom even if some of those 4 students are not in the lowest 10% of the grade level.
First Grade First grade teachers will begin monitoring oral reading fluency after the second grading period when it is a more appropriate probe.
Second – Fifth Grades In the notebooks you will find: 1. Oral reading fluency student materials 2. 4 Oral reading fluency scoring booklets
Second – Fifth Grades On the fourth week of school, teachers of grades 2-5 will begin progress monitoring of oral reading fluency on a weekly basis with students identified as the lowest 10% per grade level. Teachers will be asked to monitor the 4 most at-risk students per classroom even if some of those 4 students are not in the lowest 10% of the grade level.
Maintaining the Notebook Place all student materials (what the kids look at) in the sheet protectors. Write the scores on the front of the booklet in the correct month and week. Teachers will not have to collect scores during the week of Thanksgiving in order for the scoring booklet to come out correctly. Graph scores. Keep up with your notebook as they will be reused year after year.
Intervention Logs Teachers at Talbott and New Market schools will also have an intervention log sheet in these notebooks. Because we have the progress monitoring data, we only need to keep dates of interventions and description of the intervention. Click “intervention log” to print more.“intervention log”