Parents Revision Evening Thursday 15 th March On results day I have never heard a student say I did too much revision. However, I have heard numerous students say they hadn't done enough
What we aim to cover Bits and pieces External exam regulations. What support will the pupils have in school? Timescale and revision timetable How to start? Revision Strategies Where now?
Bits and pieces Last minute info from staff ( next slide) Prom 27 th June. Money by Easter please Photograph booked for the 8 th May Last Day
Messages from Staff Friday 15 th March….DT coursework deadline Miss Brick is running session every Wednesday and Thursday after school to complete Food and Textiles Thursday 28 th March…Child Development deadline. If it doesn’t arrive on that day the students will be kept at 3.30 to finish it. Art. Exams are just after the Easter Holiday. Some students have done very little prep work which goes towards the grade. Students MUST work on this over Easter please
Messages from Staff BTec Science. Wednesday lunch time there are catch up sessions for students to finish off work. ICT sessions held after school Monday and Tuesday next week for individuals to polish up. Business Studies. Last lesson on the controlled assessment tomorrow. Some student cam very unprepared today. Please bring research tomorrow!
The Last Day!!!! 16 th May 2013 Students must be in normal uniform. They must bring a spare shirt with them for people to sign. It must not be the one they are wearing. They will have lots of time to see their friends, take photos etc but they must attend the activities put on for them. Please no eggs, flour, spray cans silly string etc Kinver Edge If students fail to follow the rules they will be sent home
Study Leave We have worked hard over the last few years to produce a good balance of private study and school support.( two local schools have implemented our pattern) The students will be given a timetable of revision slots… at least 2 hours per full course GCSE. These sessions are compulsory and you will receive a phone call if your son/ daughter is absent. If travel is an issue, students may use the coaches and a study room ( try and organise in advance) These sessions are opportunities for students to ask questions about any point raised during their private revision. Different activities will be used in these sessions to assist revision.
Any student who disrupts the education of the other students over the next few weeks will be asked to study at home. They will not be invited to the revision sessions run by the staff. They will not be included in the last day or allowed to attend the Prom. This could effect their overall results.
External Exam Regulations Mr AllenExam Manager
Support for pupils PSHE. Booklet, A3 planner and suggested paperwork for timetable. Out of lesson revision sessions. ( see next slide) Warm up sessions. Once they have left us they can still come and talk to us!!!!
Extra Revision sessions Humanities Drop in Wednesday Lunch RE Full course Wednesday after school RE Short girls Mon lunch and boys Tues lunch English Lit and Lang after school on Tuesday and Thursday. Biology (provisional) Thursday lunchtime
Timescale By Easter break a good structured revision program should be in place. If students are going away over Easter or May half term we would suggest some revision material goes with them Students should now not be saying they have no HW.
In general By Easter they should be revising 3 nights in the week and one day at weekends They will need somewhere to revise away from family life. They can listen to music but not watch TV. They can use the computer but NOT msn, Facebook, etc They need to revise in 1 hour slots then ten minutes later swap subjects
cont When students have private study they should try and run the day like a school day. They must plan their revision and stick to 90% of the plan. If the plan is visible they are more likely to stick to it. Decide when to start and stick to it. They will need some bits and pieces, pads of paper, pens, post it notes, highlighters
How to start? Find all exercise books, folders, work that needs revising. See staff if you need help replacing notes. Learning style. (booklet) Match revision technique to learning style. (booklet) Identify what they don’t know.
Methods of revising Mind maps Post it notes around the house. Bathroom and Kitchen are good places. Move them round after a few days. Computer websites ( list in booklet) SAM learning Revision guides. ( many can be bought in school) Exam questions ( VITAL)
A typical revision slot For example Hour slot of Physics!!!!! Electricity Start by reading though the work in exercise book and highlight parts they find difficult Write all equations for the topic onto a piece of A4 paper with unit Write electrical words and units onto post it notes and stick them to the back of the bedroom door. Can they match them up with out using their exercise book? Attempt a revision activity and then an Exam question on SAM learning Before they finish can they remember any equations they wrote down earlier