las edades ages
la niñez childhood
la pubertad puberty
la juventud youth
la adolescencia adolescence
la madurez maturity
la vejez old age
el desastre disaster
atropellar to run over
caer to fall
chocar to crash
cochebombas car bomb
el corte cut
un diluvio flood
epedemia epidemic
huracán hurricane
matar to kill
la peste pestilence; epidemic, stink
tropezar to trip
la enfermedad sickness
la gripe flu
neumonía pneumonia
paperas mumps
el resfriado el catarro a cold
rubéola rubella a mild illness that includes a rash, enlarged lymph nodes, and sometimes a fever. If a pregnant woman is infected during her first trimester, however, her baby has a 80% chance for developing birth defects, including heart abnormalities, cataracts, mental retardation, and deafness.
sarampión measles outbreaks still occur in the United States, usually among groups of people who do not believe in immunizations or in areas where immunization levels have fallen below the critical level. It is a fairly serious childhood infection that is recognized by the rash (as seen here), Koplik spots (small white spots on red background), red eyes, photophobia (sensitivity to light), and coughing.
viruela small-pox virus has been eradicated worldwide through successful vaccination and treatment programs, and now exists only as a stored virus in a few research centers. Symptoms include a severe rash (which leaves scars), fever, headache, vomiting and diarrhea.
varicela chicken pox extremely contagious, and can be spread by direct contact, droplet transmission, and airborne transmission. Symptoms range from fever, headache, stomach ache, or loss of appetite before breaking out in the classic pox rash. The rash can consist of several hundred small, itchy, fluid- filled blisters over red spots on the skin. The blisters often appear first on the face, trunk, or scalp and then spread to other parts of the body.
los medicamentos medicines
aspirina aspirin
las drogas drugs
el járabe syrup
el linimento linament
la medicina medicine
arriesgarse to take a risk
doler to hurt; to cause pain
a dieta on a diet
contagiar to spread an illness
piel de gallina goose bumps
atender to tend to; to aid
asistir to attend
la cura el cura the cure priest
embarazoso embarazada embarrassing pregnant
el frente la frente war front forehead
los reflejos el reflejo reflexes reflection
aprovechar to use; to benefit
brotar to sprout, to grow
mejorar to get better
quebrar to break