Data Analysis 2013-2014. Basic Characteristics of Hockley Primary School.


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Presentation transcript:

Data Analysis

Basic Characteristics of Hockley Primary School

Summary of basic characteristics We are moderately larger than the average primary school – 311 pupils. FSM - significantly lower than the national average – 10.8% Social deprivation indicator - lower than national. The percentage of adults having pursued higher education is lower than the national average – 0.07 Children from minority ethnic groups, as well as children for whom English is not their first language - significantly lower than the national average. Inwardly mobile pupils - higher than average for some year groups; e.g. Year %, year 5– 20% Pupils with SEN are broadly in line with national percentages. Absence rate - lower than national average in spite of the local secondary school having a five term year. 4.3% absence rate.

EYFS assessment process EYFS on entry baseline assessment within the first 3 weeks of entry. Formative assessments recorded in learning journeys through daily observations - written and photographic, adult-led activities and children’s work samples. Shared half termly with parents and their input gathered. Termly summative assessments across prime areas of learning completed through analysis of formative assessment. Pupil progress review for every child follows. End of year Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) completed, analysed and shared with parents. End of year outcomes sent to Local Authority. Outcomes for EYFS curriculum are judged as emerging, expected and exceeding. Baseline assessment 2014 shows this cohort’s entry level is just above Essex and national averages.

EYFS – historical attainment summary % of pupils attaining 6 or more points 2010 cohort results 2011 cohort results 2012 cohort results 2012 outcomes Difference from previous year 2012 outcomes Difference from National In all assessment scales 42%60%64%4%10% 4 CLL scales & 3 PSE scales 44%63%66%3%7% 4 CLL scales44%63%66%3%4% 3 PSRN scales 58%78%74%-1%3% 3 PSE scales58%83%85%3%6% 78 points or more in total 56%83%81%-2%2%  All assessment scales - year on year increase.  All areas of attainment above national and showing significant increase from 2010.

EYFS – Comparisons with Current Data 2014 % of pupils attaining 6 or more points 2012 cohort results 2013 cohort results 2014 cohort results 2014 outcomes Differenc e from previous year 2014 outcomes Difference from National Good Level of Development GLD New Measure 61%64%+3%Essex 61% & National 60% +4% All Early Learning Goals -60.6%64%Essex 59% +5% Overall average score New measure 34.2 score Essex 34.4% & National 33.8% - 0.2% Communication & Language 66% CLL 70%72%+2%Essex 78% & National 72% = Physical Development 94% PHYS 82%84%+2%Essex 86% & National 83% +1% Personal, Social & Emotional Development 85% PSE 79%78%-1%Essex 82% & National 76% +2% Literacy66% CLL 73%78%+5%Essex 67% & National 61% -+13% Maths77% PRSN 76%80%+4%Essex 73% & National 66% +14% Understanding of the world New measure 73%82%+9%Essex 81% & National 75% +7% Expressive arts and design New measure 82%86%+6%Essex 85% & National 78% +8%  GLD National comparison shows good attainment for EYFS and when compared to Essex and National.  Comparisons from 2012 are best fit because the measures and objectives changed in  Percentage of FSM/PP in this cohort 6%, all girls.  Boys and FSM/PP compares significantly lower in GLD in the cohort, but not as marked as in  All areas combined overall average score is slightly lower for boys at 32.1 than for girls at 34.4 and for FSM/PP at 26.7

EYFS – Progress Overall Points Progress (all aspects combined as an average) PSED CLLD PSRN KUW PD CD EYFS Pupil Progress – 2012 outcomes Average point score on entry is 1.9. Average point score at end of summer term is 6.3. Average points progress is 4.4. Average termly progression is 2.1 points. Therefore attainment and progress this year in the EYFS are above age related expectations and can therefore be judged to be good. Inclusion Boys average termly progression is 2.0 points and girls is 2.2. This is not a significant difference in terms of gender. Children with FSM are progressing at an average of 2.2 points per term. There are no EAL or CLA within this cohort.

EYFS – Progress Measures 2014 Quality of teaching during academic year was judged good to outstanding in all aspects (lesson observations, drop ins, marking, planning & assessments; external observations: County Standards and excellence commissioner lesson sweep, School advisor lesson sweep) Provision and resources have improved further with significant investment over the last 3 years, particularly with regard to outdoor learning enabling strengthened continuous provision. Local delivery group cluster early excellence training has enabled shared practice across a range of schools. Following this other local schools EYFS leaders have visited to observe and learn from our practice. Early Excellence have approached us with a view to our EYFS leader becoming an associated practitioner as they were so impressed with the provision and sharing of expertise. Please see EYFS progress file to illustrate good and outstanding progress.

What do we know about the current cohort? On entry expectation - most children will display all of the month band (all statements set to achieved), and some of the month statements. On entry assessments - completed within the first three weeks of start of term. On entry baseline September 2014 Cohort of 48 children: each child is worth 2% Baseline assessments Autumn 2014: All Areas of the EYFS curriculum- 50% of pupils have been assessed at an ‘expected’ entry level of development in all of the Prime and Specific Areas. Above Essex County which equals 45%. Gender difference: Girls’ achievement of an ‘expected’ entry level of development in all areas of the EYFS curriculum is significantly higher than boys’ at 69% in comparison to 27%. Inclusion There are 5 Disadvantaged pupils in this cohort, only 1 of whom achieved an ‘expected’ entry level of development in all areas of the curriculum (20%). There are currently 0 EYFS pupils in care, 1 pupil with EAL (is not at expected entry level), and following baseline, pupils with SEN and those who are Academically More Able, will be identified. Prime Areas+ Literacy and Mathematics- 44% of pupils have been assessed at an ‘expected’ entry level of development in these areas. Gender Difference: Girls: 76% Boys: 24%. Focus: To monitor attainment of EYFS boys in PSED, C&L, PHYS – Moving and Handling, Lit. Spring Borns in Willow Class – C&L – Speech, Lit. Summer Borns Lit, C&L, PHYS. To monitor the achievement of boys in general, and close the gap between boys and girls. EYFS leader to track all pupils regularly to ensure we meet our high expectation of achievement and put in place any targets/ support that are required. To ensure that challenging learning opportunities are available to children at all times; particularly writing opportunities and Mathematics opportunities. To monitor and track Summer born pupils, to ensure that good progress and attainment is made, in addition to Autumn and Spring born pupils.

KS1 assessment process Year 1 baseline assessment within first three weeks of term collaboratively agreed between EYFS teacher and year 1 teacher using EYFS outcomes and teacher knowledge of the child. End of key stage 1 targets set from baseline data using target tracker. Formative assessments using APP, guided reading records and teacher knowledge of the child, held in reading, writing, maths and foundation subject assessment files. Termly summative assessments in all subjects through analysis of formative assessment. Moderations across phase groups and key stages. Termly Pupil progress review for every child follows. Information shared with parents during parents evenings and on annual reports. Attainment tracked to monitor progress towards end of key stage targets. Annual Year 1 Phonics screening and year 2 SATs assessments. End of key stage outcomes sent to Local Authority. External moderation June 2014.

2014 KS1 school and national level data

KS1 results over a 3 year period % of children achieving level 2c+ReadingWritingMaths Percentage of children achieving level 2c+ across 3 years

% of children achieving level 2b+ReadingWritingMaths Percentage of children achieving level 2b+ across 3 years

% of children achieving level 2a+ReadingWritingMaths Percentage of children achieving level 2a+ across 3 years

% of children achieving level 3+ReadingWritingMaths Percentage of children achieving level 3+ across 3 years

Phonics School 2013 School 2014 National 2014 All Pupils Male Female FSM (5 pupils , 9 pupils ) Disadvantaged Pupils (9 pupils – 2014)-7863 EAL (1 pupil – 2014) SEN without statement (7 pupils , 7 pupils )05740 SEN with statement (0 pupils , 2 pupils )0017 Ethnicity Groups (White British – 30 pupils)-8774 Ethnicity Groups (Any Other White Background – 1 pupil)-071 Ethnicity Groups (Indian – 1 pupil) Ethnicity Groups (Any Other Mixed Background – 1 pupil) Phonics screening and School and National Comparisons

Phonics Year School 2014 All Pupils100 Male100 Female100 FSM (5 pupils , 9 pupils )100 SEN without statement (7 pupils , 7 pupils )100 SEN with statement (0 pupils , 2 pupils )100

Phonics 3 year comparison All Pupils Male Female FSM (9 pupils) SEN without statement ( , , )29057 SEN with statement ( , , )5000

Summary of KS1 All Subjects Attainment has remained above national for the past 3 years and significantly above for Gender - above national for boys, APS 16.3 (0.8+) and above national for girls 16.8 (0.4+) FSM - group of 5 performed significantly above national APS 17.3 (+2.7) and better than the cohort. Disadvantaged pupils - group of 5 performed significantly above national APS 17.3 (+2.7) and better than the cohort. Other Ethnic groups - 1 White and Black African APS 13.7 (2.2-) and 1 White and Asian APS 14.3 (2.3-) performed less well than Nationally. SEN – those without a statement (8 children) performed in line Nationally APS 12.5 (=) and there were no children with a statement.

Summary of KS1 Reading results Attainment has remained above national for past 3 years. Gender - above national for boys, APS 16.7 (0.8+) and above national for girls 17.3 (0.3+) FSM - group of 5 performed significantly above national APS 18.6 (+3.6) and better than the cohort Disadvantaged pupils - group of 5 performed significantly above national APS 18.6 (+3.6) and better than the cohort. Other Ethnic groups - 1 White and Black African APS 13.0 (3.5-) and 1 White and Asian APS 15.0 (2.2-) performed less well than Nationally. SEN – performed less well than those without a statement (8 children) APS 12.5 (-0.2) and there were no children with a statement. average points progress from Year 1 Baseline is 11.2

Summary of KS1 Writing results attainment has remained above national for past 3 years. is well above national for boys, APS 15.5 (1.1+) and above national for girls APS 16.4 (0.5+) FSM children performed significantly above national (5 children) APS 16.6 (2.9+) Disadvantaged pupils - group of 5 performed significantly above national APS 16.6 (2.9+) and better than the cohort (0.7+). Other Ethnic groups - 1 White and Black African APS 13.0 (2.2-) and 1 White and Asian APS 13.0 (2.8-) performed less well than Nationally. SEN is above National averages for those without a statement (8 children) APS 11.8 (0.3+) and there were no children with a statement. average points progress from Year 1 Baseline is 10.8

Summary of KS1 Maths results attainment has remained just above national for past 3 years and has shown increase in is above national for boys, APS 16.7 (0.5+) and above national for girls 16.6 (0.3+) FSM children is significantly above national (5 children) APS 16.6 (1.6+) Disadvantaged pupils - group of 5 performed significantly above national APS 16.6 (1.6+) and in line with the cohort (0.1-). Other Ethnic groups - 1 White and Black African APS 15.0 (1.1-) and 1 White and Asian APS 15.0 (1.8-) performed less well than Nationally. SEN is in line with National averages for those without a statement (8 children) APS 13.3 (0.1+) and there are no children with a statement. average points progress from Year 1 baseline is 11.2

What did we do to get here? New Headteacher and SLT in 2011 introduced the following: Improved moderation processes – including across phase Y2/3 Pupil progress meetings – clear tracking of progress. Target setting and expected year on year progress clear to all staff. Ambitious targets set. Impact - progress for each cohort has consistency to resolve pattern of year 3 dip back. Letters and sounds introduced. Phonic leaders and parent workshops implemented. Guided reading planning and assessment processes introduced for daily sessions Phonics, independent and guided reading resources purchased. Development of school library and of reading corners in every classroom. Improved maths resources. Eg. Numicon. Whole school focus on teaching and learning with regard to maths from maths consultant. Focussed interventions across core subjects. Improved KS1 outcomes in 2014, particularly 2A.

What do we know about our current cohort? 2c+2b+2a+3 Readi ng 91%83%52%36% Writi ng 89%74%44%25% Maths94%83%55%29% The current Yr 2 class has 25 girls and 23 boys. This Year group has a high percentage of disadvantaged pupils – 24%. This Year group has 2 statements We are focusing on supporting Intervention and support has been put in place for these children. KS1 Targets 2015

Key Stage 2: How well are pupils doing, taking account of any variation?

KS2 assessment process End of key stage 2 targets set from end of key stage 1 results using target tracker. Formative assessments using APP, guided reading records, regular use of Test Base and teacher knowledge of the child, held in reading, writing, maths and foundation subject assessment files. Termly summative assessments in all subjects through analysis of formative assessment. Moderations across phase groups and key stages. Termly Pupil progress review for every child follows. Information shared with parents during parents evenings and on annual reports. Year 6 pupils undertake half termly SATS tests using past papers. Attainment tracked to monitor progress towards end of key stage targets. Annual non-statutory assessment papers carried out at the end of year 3, 4 and 5. This secures judgements made along side teacher assessments. End of Key Stage 2 SATS assessments. End of key stage teacher assessments sent to Local Authority.

2014 KS2 school and national level data

% of children achieving Level 4 or above School ResultLEA Result National Result Reading98%89% Writing98%85% Maths98%86% SPAG85%77%76% Reading, Writing and Maths 96%79% Science100%88%

KS2 results over a 3 year period Key Stage SCHLANATSCHLANATSCHLANAT Reading % Level % Level 4B % Level % Level APS Writing % Level % Level % Level APS Maths % Level % Level 4B % Level % Level APS SPAG % at Level % Level 4B % at Level % at Level 6644 APS Reading, Writing and Maths % Level Science% Level % Level levels progress Reading Writing Maths levels progress Reading Writing Maths

Summary of KS2 Reading Results Shows improving trend with significant + against National in 2013 and 2014 (RoL P35). 5 year trend remains firmly above national and significantly so for the past two years.

Summary of KS2 Writing Results Shows improving trend with significant + against National in 2013 and 2014 (RoL P35). 5 year trend remains firmly above national with three years significantly above.

Summary of KS2 Maths Results Shows improving trend with significant + against National in 2013 and 2014 (RoL P35). 5 year trend remains firmly above national with three years significantly above.

Summary of KS2 SPAG Results Shows significant + against National in 2013 and 2014 (RoL P35).

Summary of KS2 all subjects results Shows an overall 5 year improving trend (RoL P35). 5 years above national with 4 years significantly above.

Whole school pupils’ achievement EYFS Attainment of pupils:Above national average Outcomes for children:Good (2) KS1 Attainment of pupils:Above national average Quality of pupils learning and progress:Good (2) KS2 Attainment of pupils: Significantly above national average Quality of pupils learning and progress: Outstanding (1) School’s SEF judgement of pupils achievement is therefore: Good (2)

Progress over 3 years Key Stage SCHLANATSCHLANATSCHLANAT 2 + levels progressReading Writing Maths English levels progressReading Writing Maths English382226

3 year improving progress trend with an above national picture

Achievement is Good because... Our attainment for the final key stage over the past 3 years is good with the last two years being outstanding as all areas are significantly above National average. Our assessment and tracking processes have improved significantly with a very clear focus on pupil progress, culminating in outstanding attainment and progress in all areas at the end of key stage 2. In 2012 attainment and progress at the end of KS2 increased significantly and was above National averages, in some cases significantly, and in 2013 and 2014 these improved further to significantly above average in all areas. Attainment and progress in EYFS has consistently improved in the last 3 years and can be judged as good. Attainment and progress in KS1 is good with a 4 year upward trend due to improved moderation and assessment processes improving the accuracy and consistency of the outcomes annual parents survey shows that 96% of parents feel that their child makes good progress at our school (71% in 2010). “My son is lucky to have several intervention groups a week to further support his progress and I do not believe that he would have made such progress outside of this school.”

What do we know about our current cohort? Level 4+ Level 4B+ Level 5+ Level 6 Reading92%90%68%6% Writing92%90%48%10% Maths94%88%54%12% The current Yr 6 cohort of 49 pupils consists of 29 boys and 20 girls. This cohort has a significantly high percentage of inwardly mobile pupils (19 pupils - 38%). 2 pupils joining us during Year 5/6. Furthermore 16 pupils joined us during KS2, 3 of whom were educated abroad. The cohort has two children with statements. There are three pupil premium children, 3 of whom are FSM. Key interventions and 1 to 1 tuition is in place. KS2 Targets 2014

Key Stage 2: How well are pupils doing, taking account of any variation?

Attainment and Progress of Groups (including SEN) Trends over time: Groups sizes for FSM, EAL, other ethnic groups and CLA are small. We currently have 32 pupils with pupil premium funding and 8 with pupil premium plus. Progress and attainment for vulnerable groups show no year on year pattern of underachievement or slow progress.

Girls APS in Reading, Writing and Maths shows a three year upward trend and are in line or above National for all areas. Boys APS in Reading, Writing and Maths shows a fluctuating trend in all areas but remains in line or above National for all areas. In 2014 there are no significant differences in APS between Girls and Boys for Maths. Girls performed better than Boys in Reading and Writing. KS1 Average point scores by group - Gender

Children receiving FSM and PP show a 3 year upward trend in Reading and a fluctuating trend in Writing and Maths. In 2013 and 2014 they performed higher than Nationally in Reading, Writing and Maths. When compared to the whole cohort the gap is closing. KS1 Average point scores by group – Free School Meals and Pupil Premium This cohort had no children with EAL, no CLA children and they were all White British.

KS1 Average point scores by group - SEN Children with SEN show a fluctuating trend in Reading, Writing and Maths. For SEN pupils without a statement, Reading and Maths APS is in line with or lower than Nationally. Writing is higher than Nationally. For SEN pupils with a statement, Reading, Maths and Writing APS is significantly higher than Nationally.

KS1 Average point scores by group - BME Each BME group consists of only one child. APS is lower than the cohort and Nationally.

KS1 Average point scores by group – Term of Birth Autumn born children attained higher APS than Nationally in Reading, Writing and Maths. Spring born children attained higher APS than Nationally in Reading, Writing and Maths. Summer born children attained higher APS than Nationally in Reading, Writing and 0.3 below in Maths.

Children receiving FSM attained 0.3 higher that the National APS in all subjects (significantly higher in writing and EGPS). KS2 Average point scores by group - Gender Girls APS in Reading, Writing and Maths shows a three year upward trend and are in line or above National for all areas. Boys APS in Reading, Writing and Maths shows a three year upward trend and are above National for all areas. In 2014 there are no significant differences in APS between Girls and Boys for Reading. Girls performed better than Boys in Writing and Boys performed better than Girls in Maths.

Children receiving FSM and PP show a 3 year upward trend in Reading, Writing and Maths. In 2013 and 2014 they performed higher than Nationally in Reading, Writing and Maths. When compared to the whole cohort the gap is closing. KS2 Average point scores by group – FSM and PP This cohort had no children with EAL, no CLA children and they were all White British.

KS2 Average point scores by group - SEN Children with SEN show a fluctuating trend in Reading, Writing and Maths. For SEN pupils without a statement, Reading Writing and Maths APS is above National in 2012 and 2013 and below or in line in For SEN pupils with a statement, Reading, Maths and Writing APS is significantly higher than Nationally.

KS2 Average point scores by group – Prior Attainment and Mobility Children with low, middle and high prior attainment all scored significantly high or higher when compared with National APS. Non mobile pupils throughout years 5 and 6 scored significantly higher when compared with National APS.

KS2 Average point scores by group - BME Each BME group consists of only one or two children. APS is lower than the cohort and Nationally in Writing and Maths but higher in Reading.

KS2 Progress by group

The progress of girls and boys is higher than the national average for maths, reading and writing and it is significantly higher for writing for all pupils and Girls. The progress of the one child with FSM is lower than the national average for Maths and Writing and is in line for Reading. The progress of children in all SEN categories is in line with the national average for maths, reading and writing. The progress of children with low, middle and high prior attainment is higher than the national average for maths, reading and writing. The progress of non mobile pupils is significantly higher than the national average for maths, reading and writing.

Current cohorts autumn term

Gap monitoring disadvantaged pupils