Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE)
Understand the role and purpose of TIDE in supporting student success and achievement. Objectives TIDE
Definition: Test Information Distribution Engine An enhanced version of the User Management System Available through the OAKS Portal ( Purpose: To provide ODE, ESD, district, and school staff with access to: –User Information Add new users or modify existing accounts –Student Information View student information in read-only mode Search for students –Student Settings View/Edit student test settings for a student –Student Restrictions View/Edit or Add restrictions for a student Upload restrictions for a batch of students Definition: Test Information Distribution Engine An enhanced version of the User Management System Available through the OAKS Portal ( Purpose: To provide ODE, ESD, district, and school staff with access to: –User Information Add new users or modify existing accounts –Student Information View student information in read-only mode Search for students –Student Settings View/Edit student test settings for a student –Student Restrictions View/Edit or Add restrictions for a student Upload restrictions for a batch of students TIDE Overview
User Roles and Access – OAKS users (DSA and lower) are associated with a district and/or institution(s). Current roles are (in order of hierarchy): State, DSA, DTSA, STC, TA, and TT. System Requirements around Browsers and Operating Systems Add/Modify Users – TIDE allows the following: view/edit users, upload users, add users. TIDE What’s the Same?
The name has changed Home Page icon change School Report Viewer and District Report Viewer Roles My Profile has changed from tab to a link where you can change your password Enhanced searches added to: –Set Student Test Settings –Target Up –Restrict Student Test Access DSAs and DTSAs can order Writing Performance Assessment materials TIDE What’s Changed?
TIDE: My Account By clicking on the My Account link a user can change personal information and their password. 6
TIDE: Paper Writing (DTSAs and DSAs only) –Orders may be placed by uploading a pre-code file for multiple students or by editing individual student settings. –District-level users can confirm shipping information and can export order information to Excel. –For students that are testing in Braille, the District must be sure to order both a paper Writing booklet via TIDE and a Braille form from ODE. After the student completes the test using the Braille form, a test administrator will transcribe the student’s response to the paper Writing booklet and include the paper Writing booklet with the district’s return shipment for scoring. –Orders may be placed by uploading a pre-code file for multiple students or by editing individual student settings. –District-level users can confirm shipping information and can export order information to Excel. –For students that are testing in Braille, the District must be sure to order both a paper Writing booklet via TIDE and a Braille form from ODE. After the student completes the test using the Braille form, a test administrator will transcribe the student’s response to the paper Writing booklet and include the paper Writing booklet with the district’s return shipment for scoring. 7
TIDE: User Information tab: Add User 8 For district users: select a role, district and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. Note: While this page can be used to add a new user to TIDE or to add a District/Institution to a user’s profile, no other user attributes may be modified on this page. Those changes must be done using Upload Users feature. For district users: select a role, district and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. Note: While this page can be used to add a new user to TIDE or to add a District/Institution to a user’s profile, no other user attributes may be modified on this page. Those changes must be done using Upload Users feature.
TIDE: View/Edit User Select a role, district and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. Click the [Edit] button for a user whose information you want to view and update. You will be directed to the Edit User page. You can only update the user’s first name, last name, and phone number. If you need to re-associate the user with a different district or institution, you will need to follow the process outlined in the Upload User section. Select a role, district and institution from the drop-down menus. The district and institution lists will automatically update after you select a role from the drop-down menu. Click the [Edit] button for a user whose information you want to view and update. You will be directed to the Edit User page. You can only update the user’s first name, last name, and phone number. If you need to re-associate the user with a different district or institution, you will need to follow the process outlined in the Upload User section.
TIDE: Upload User Here users can upload a group of users to TIDE or to modify profiles for existing users. TIDE accepts uploads of user information in CSV (ASCII) format. CSV files can be opened/edited using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or a notepad application Adding Users to Multiple Institutions To add users to multiple institutions, follow the steps below: –Enter the user on separate lines in the upload file – one line for each institution –For the first institution (it doesn’t matter which one is entered first), enter “ADD” as the action Here users can upload a group of users to TIDE or to modify profiles for existing users. TIDE accepts uploads of user information in CSV (ASCII) format. CSV files can be opened/edited using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or a notepad application Adding Users to Multiple Institutions To add users to multiple institutions, follow the steps below: –Enter the user on separate lines in the upload file – one line for each institution –For the first institution (it doesn’t matter which one is entered first), enter “ADD” as the action
TIDE: Student Information –Student search is combined with the Student Information tab –Users can now choose to search for a group of students (such as by grade and/or school) or for an individual student (such as by first name, last name, or SSID). Once the search is complete a student table is generated. –Student search is combined with the Student Information tab –Users can now choose to search for a group of students (such as by grade and/or school) or for an individual student (such as by first name, last name, or SSID). Once the search is complete a student table is generated. 11
TIDE: Student Settings Users can view but not edit the student’s personal information. Users can update all test settings and select other accommodations on this page. Users can view but not edit the student’s personal information. Users can update all test settings and select other accommodations on this page. 12
TIDE: Student Restrictions Here users can view and edit test restrictions for students within a district and/or institution. Test restrictions prevent students from testing in a specified subject. Please note that if a student transfers schools or district, his or her test restriction settings will not change or be reset. Here users can view and edit test restrictions for students within a district and/or institution. Test restrictions prevent students from testing in a specified subject. Please note that if a student transfers schools or district, his or her test restriction settings will not change or be reset. 13
TIDE: View/Edit Restrictions Select the district and/or institution from the list(s) and click [Search]. To narrow the search, one can select an enrolled grade, or enter a student's SSID, first or last name. Each row displays information for students, including test settings and accommodations. Each row also contains an [Edit] button. Select the district and/or institution from the list(s) and click [Search]. To narrow the search, one can select an enrolled grade, or enter a student's SSID, first or last name. Each row displays information for students, including test settings and accommodations. Each row also contains an [Edit] button. 14
TIDE: Upload Restrictions TIDE accepts uploads of student test restriction information in CSV (ASCII) format. CSV files can be opened/edited using spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or a notepad application. 15
Dos Use the LEP flag for those students who will take the ELPA. Use student restrictions function to manage student access to specific assessments in OAKS Online. Use student test settings to assign system features and restricted resources to students by test subject (e.g., language, zoom, print-on-request). Use the order function to place orders for the winter and spring Writing Performance Assessments. Dos Use the LEP flag for those students who will take the ELPA. Use student restrictions function to manage student access to specific assessments in OAKS Online. Use student test settings to assign system features and restricted resources to students by test subject (e.g., language, zoom, print-on-request). Use the order function to place orders for the winter and spring Writing Performance Assessments. TIDE Dos and Don’ts
Don’ts TIDE users must not share their TIDE log-in information and passwords, even with other authorized TIDE users. DTSAs or DSAs must not set the item print- on-request restricted resource for students without a documented need (e.g., IEP, 504 Plan, or other district documentation) Don’ts TIDE users must not share their TIDE log-in information and passwords, even with other authorized TIDE users. DTSAs or DSAs must not set the item print- on-request restricted resource for students without a documented need (e.g., IEP, 504 Plan, or other district documentation) TIDE Dos and Don’ts (cont)
TIDE Promising Practices The district uses the Student Restriction function to restrict students who are designated to take OAKS Braille or OAKS Extended from accessing the Online test. The district applies student test settings for students by test subject to ensure that students have appropriate access to OAKS Online. For students with IEPs or 504 Plans, the district consults the student’s plan before applying test settings to ensure compliance with the student’s plan.
TIDE is an enhanced version of UMS TIDE is available through the OAKS Portal TIDE User Guide is now available TIDE is an enhanced version of UMS TIDE is available through the OAKS Portal TIDE User Guide is now available In a Nutshell TIDE
What new functions are available through TIDE? How can district users use TIDE to manage appropriate student access to OAKS Online? What new functions are available through TIDE? How can district users use TIDE to manage appropriate student access to OAKS Online? Acorns for Storage TIDE