Setting and Achieving Targets Everyone should have goals because they give you a sense of purpose and direction. Not having any goals is like jumping in a taxi and when the driver asks you where you want to go saying ‘I DON’T KNOW!’ You need to have a realistic picture of yourself, your achievements, skills and qualities before you can set goals which you can achieve. Setting goals motivates you to learn and develop your skills and qualities so that you can get where you want to go in life. Other people can help you plan what you need to do and discuss the choices you will need to make along the way. You must set SMART targets which spell out exactly what you aim to do and by when. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic/Relevant Timed
Target Setting – Class Targets As a Form, you must agree on 5 targets. As a Form, you need to try to achieve these by Assessment 1 Mid-Term. After this, you need to review your targets. This means as a class being able to describe examples of successful and unsuccessful targets, and reasons for this. You as an individual need to be able to describe how you contributed to achieving these targets. In February, you will set new targets if necessary. These will be reviewed at Easter.
Target Setting – Recording, Sharing and Celebrating Once you have agreed your targets you need to decide: How will your targets be recorded? – Planners, on your IIP board, in a folder to be included in your Induction Booklet, (to be created later). How will they be displayed or shared? – IIP Board, Induction Booklet, in Assembly?
Target Setting – Class Target Examples You need to link 1 class target to each of the following 5 areas: Learning To achieve A, B, C grades in all Assessment 1 examinations. Behaviour To avoid all lunchtime and afterschool detentions. Attendance Try to achieve % attendance until Mid-Term as well as 100% on time record to registration until Mid- Theme Classroom/School Management Keep form room tidy. Update notice boards and planners each morning in registration. Put effort into preparation for class assembly. Induction Each Year 9 class will create a list of ideas as to how to welcome in the new Year 8 students
Target Setting – Individual Targets As an individual, you must decide on 5 targets you hope to achieve by December These are to be discussed with your Form Tutor and must be realistic and achievable., you need to review your targets. This means being able to describe examples of successful and unsuccessful targets, and reasons for this. In February, you will set new targets if necessary. These will be reviewed at Easter.
Target Setting – Recording, Sharing and Celebrating Once you have agreed your targets with your Form Tutor you need to decide: How will your targets be recorded? – Planners, on your IIP board, in a folder to be included in your Induction Booklet, (to be created later). How will they be displayed or shared? – IIP Board, Induction Booklet, in Assembly? Your 5 Individual Targets are going to be included in a letter home to explain to parents what IIP is, how you are involved, and how they can get involved.
Individual Target Examples You need to link 1 individual target to each of the following 5 areas: Learning Achieve the best grades to the best of my ability Behaviour No detentions Attendance On time for registration and at least 95% attendance in school Classroom/School Management I will volunteer to help out with the Year 8’s Induction To take part in the open night for the P6 and P7’s