Why can transition be a problem for the student? Change
What changes do children experience during transition? Teachers Teachers Support staff Support staff Location Location Size of building Size of building Layout Layout Friends Friends Lessons Lessons Male/female ratio Male/female ratio
More changes! Rules Rules Classrooms Classrooms Clothing Clothing Number of students Number of students Size of students Size of students Timetable Timetable Lunch time Lunch time Homework Homework Time Time
Why can transition be a problem for the staff? Information – too little or too much Information – too little or too much Relevant information not given to relevant staff Relevant information not given to relevant staff Fear of the unknown Fear of the unknown Staff don’t feel skilled or supported Staff don’t feel skilled or supported Misunderstanding of child’s needs Misunderstanding of child’s needs Liaising with parents Liaising with parents
How can we help to alleviate worries? Early planning and preparation Early planning and preparation Awareness Awareness Training Training Communication Communication Schools working together Schools working together Continuity of approach Continuity of approach
Pre school to school Anticipate future caseload Anticipate future caseload Occasional input in early years planning Occasional input in early years planning Training for all settings Training for all settings Parental involvement in support groups Parental involvement in support groups
Mainstream to Phoenix Familiarise parents with Phoenix Familiarise parents with Phoenix Regular visits for students Regular visits for students Class visits Class visits Planning meetings Planning meetings Transition work Transition work Initial Outreach support for Phoenix Initial Outreach support for Phoenix
Phoenix to Mainstream Long term link Long term link Planning meeting Planning meeting Train mainstream staff Train mainstream staff Ongoing support from Outreach Ongoing support from Outreach Confidence for parents Confidence for parents Outreach act as link Outreach act as link
Primary to Secondary Help to inform parents Help to inform parents Link between schools Link between schools Training for receiving school Training for receiving school Prepare student Prepare student Planning meeting Planning meeting Ensure support in place from day one Ensure support in place from day one
Do you have any worries about secondary school? ‘It’s really big and I might get lost’ ‘I will miss all my friends’ ‘I’m scared that I might get a detention’ ‘I’m worried about Saturday detentions’ ‘I think the work will be too hard’
Do you have any worries about secondary school? ‘What if…….?’ ‘I can’t tie my tie’ ‘I might get hurt in PE’ ‘I might not get any friends’ ‘I don’t know how to get home’ ‘I don’t like wearing the uniform’
How are these worries different to other children’s? More extreme More extreme Unable to problem solve Unable to problem solve Unable to communicate anxieties Unable to communicate anxieties Lack of social sense Lack of social sense
Big Fish, Little Fish ‘ Your brother was a big fish in a small pond’ ‘Yes and now it’s like he’s a small fish in the pacific ocean!’
Do you have any worries about secondary school? ‘I’m worried that bullies will steal my lunch and I will be hungry’
Violence, Abuse and Bullying is What Worries us Most 115 children and young people were given the power to decide what England’s Children’s Commissioner should be spending his money on next year – and bullying and violence came out on top 115 children and young people were given the power to decide what England’s Children’s Commissioner should be spending his money on next year – and bullying and violence came out on top
Transition Booklet Who is it for?
Transition Booklet Student Student Primary school Primary school Secondary school or FE Secondary school or FE Parents Parents Other professionals Other professionals
Powerpoint Pen Portrait Pupil led Pupil led Helps pupil to reflect on strengths and needs Helps pupil to reflect on strengths and needs Input from parents and professionals Input from parents and professionals Easily shared information Easily shared information Easy to digest Easy to digest Relevant information Relevant information Fun Fun
John Smith Fact file
John Smith Name: John Name: John D.O.B: D.O.B: Location: Bow, London Location: Bow, London Live with: Mum,Dad,Brother(11) Live with: Mum,Dad,Brother(11)
John Smith Likes: History, Geography, Magazine Club, WW2, Pizza, Eurovision, Planes, Computers, Horrible History Books Likes: History, Geography, Magazine Club, WW2, Pizza, Eurovision, Planes, Computers, Horrible History Books Dislikes: Maths, Spellings, Bullies (but then again who doesn’t!), lemons, shopping in IKEA!, hypocrites Dislikes: Maths, Spellings, Bullies (but then again who doesn’t!), lemons, shopping in IKEA!, hypocrites
John Smith Information I would like people to know about me: Information I would like people to know about me: If I get upset, because of a maths or spelling test for example, I need to calm down. When this happens I need my own space and people telling me off just makes it worse If I get upset, because of a maths or spelling test for example, I need to calm down. When this happens I need my own space and people telling me off just makes it worse At playtime sometimes I feel staff don’t believe me and I wish they would listen to both sides of the story At playtime sometimes I feel staff don’t believe me and I wish they would listen to both sides of the story
John Smith I have a problem with making friends. I like to have one friend at a time and if a friend lets me down I feel annoyed and lonely I have a problem with making friends. I like to have one friend at a time and if a friend lets me down I feel annoyed and lonely I often feel that no one likes me in my class, I know this might not be true, but it is how I feel sometimes I often feel that no one likes me in my class, I know this might not be true, but it is how I feel sometimes
John Smith I believe people when they tell me something and if they lie to me I feel really cross I believe people when they tell me something and if they lie to me I feel really cross I like to have rules and don’t like it when other people break them I like to have rules and don’t like it when other people break them
John Smith Name: Name: Position: Outreach Teacher Position: Outreach Teacher Location: Phoenix School, Bow Location: Phoenix School, Bow Involvement: I visit John once a fortnight and offer support and strategies to John and his school Involvement: I visit John once a fortnight and offer support and strategies to John and his school
John Smith These are things I would like people to know about John These are things I would like people to know about John He is an intelligent young man He is an intelligent young man He has a logical mind He has a logical mind He has a thirst for knowledge He has a thirst for knowledge He is a great conversationalist He is a great conversationalist He has a lively energy about him He has a lively energy about him He likes to please people He likes to please people
John Smith John often sees things in a black and white way. Some things appear unfair and John needs someone to explain things to him John often sees things in a black and white way. Some things appear unfair and John needs someone to explain things to him John gets very frustrated at times and this can turn into anger. At these times John needs time to calm down before being spoken to. Once he is calm it is easy to reason with him John gets very frustrated at times and this can turn into anger. At these times John needs time to calm down before being spoken to. Once he is calm it is easy to reason with him John needs to be listened to John needs to be listened to
John Smith John has a difficulty with friendships. He likes one friend at a time and feels betrayed if that friend goes off with someone else John has a difficulty with friendships. He likes one friend at a time and feels betrayed if that friend goes off with someone else He wants to be part of the group but has difficulty in achieving this He wants to be part of the group but has difficulty in achieving this John has most problems during unstructured times for these reasons John has most problems during unstructured times for these reasons
John Smith Strategies that might work: Strategies that might work: Be consistent Be consistent Give John warnings of time limits Give John warnings of time limits Constant reassurance and support with lots of praise Constant reassurance and support with lots of praise Identify stressors Identify stressors
John Smith Give John time out if necessary Give John time out if necessary Prepare John for change Prepare John for change Ensure all lunch time staff are aware of potential problems and how to deal with them Ensure all lunch time staff are aware of potential problems and how to deal with them Sit down with John and discuss how he is feeling Sit down with John and discuss how he is feeling
Example of visit booklet The aim of the booklet is… To familiarise To familiarise To prepare To prepare To lessen anxieties To lessen anxieties