NAME : English Sat reading paper - 1hr 15min How to make the most of the fifteen minutes of reading time and be SUCCESSFUL !
Lesson objectives We will learn how to : find out the main theme of the reading booklet Pick out the main features of each text Understand what the questions ask us to do
Winning formula ! 3 + (3x4) = SUCCESS C.L.A.P.
How to use the first three minutes Look at the front cover (title & pictures) Skim each page (check for a back page) Read the introduction to each text What is the theme to each booklet?
Questions in pairs after 3 min of silent reading 1.What is the overall theme of the booklet? 2.Can you name the three text types in the booklet? 3.Which one was written in the 19 th century? 4.Whose viewpoint is the poem written from? 5.What type of publication did the 3 rd text appear in ?
C.L.A.P. C – Content : what is the text about? L. – Language: what style is the language? A. – Audience: who is it written for? P. - Purpose: what does the text do eg inform, persuade, analyse
How to read the questions Instruction – what to do Direction – where to look Focus - what to focus on / write about