Today we will summarize rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights using hand signals, games, and an illustrated booklet
There are 27 amendments or “changes” to the US Constitution. Write this down The Bill of Rights There are 27 amendments or “changes” to the US Constitution. The first 10 are called… 2
Part 1 – Learning Hand Signals We will summarize the rights in the Bill of Rights using hand signals.
The First Amendment – FIVE PERSONAL FREEDOMS press religion petition assembly speech The Heart of the Matter 4
Cruel & unusual punishments The Other Nine… quartering Bear arms search & seizure other rights due process Civil case rights Cruel & unusual punishments rights of accused states & people All 10 are concerned with INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS! 5
The Bill of Rights Amendments 1-5 Amendments 6-10 Rights Of The Accu- No Quar- ter- ing No Cruel or unusual punish-ment; high bails Militias Bear Arms Search And Seiz-ure Civil Trial by jury Enumer-ated rights Due process; double in- dem- nity Rights Of The Accu- sed Powers not given to nation belong states and people Religion Press Petition Speech Assembly Five Fundamental Freedoms – 5 in 1 6
Which Rights Do You Value Most? We will summarize rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights using games and an illustrated booklet. Preview Activity – Which would YOU give up? Matching Game Activity Categorizing Activity A Small Reflection - No Rights for Me Booklet HW – I Am Poem 7
PREVIEW Activity The United States has been invaded by hostile forces and the federal government has been overthrown. The leader of the new government is a dictator and will allow American citizens to retain five of the fundamental liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Select the five that are most important to you. List them along with a paragraph defending your choices on the page provided earlier. 8
What conclusion can you draw from the discussion? REFLECTION ALL of the rights in the Bill of Rights are natural rights that should NOT be lived without regardless of circumstances. ALL of the rights in the Bill of Rights are inalienable rights that CANNOT be taken away. There are OTHER rights not listed in the Bill of Rights that also CANNOT be taken away! 9
Which Rights Do You Value Most? We will summarize rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights using games and an illustrated booklet. Matching Game Activity Categorizing Activity A Small Reflection - No Rights for Me Booklet HW – I Am Poem 10
Activity Today we will summarize rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights using an illustrated book. Each page should have A title A summary of the amendment written well, in complete sentences – not just copied from the Bill of Rights A picture/illustration that represents the rights mentioned in the amendment Your book should have A Title A page for each amendment
Ex. THE FIRST AMENDMENT The five basic freedoms all Americans enjoy are covered in the first amendment. These freedoms include freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, freedom to petition the government, and the free exercise of religion. The amendment also prohibits the government from forcing a religion on its citizens.
Homework – Finish Booklet, then create “I Am Poem” Having rights is one of the things that bind us together as Americans. Think about the readings, the contributions made by so many cultures to national identity, and all the freedoms we enjoy because of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Create your I Am Poem using what you believe to be the attributes of being an American.