Standardized Testing Professional Responsibilities of All Staff
Background Information: SLPS DESE alerts re: testing –Irregularities –Schedules Seriousness of allegations and investigations Public scrutiny of testing results
Purpose The purpose of this presentation is to inform all staff members (administrators, test examiners, test proctors, quality assurance monitors, etc.) in the St. Louis School District of their rights and responsibilities regarding standardized testing, required or voluntary.
Overview Test Security Policy guidelines- staff/security Test Security Policy guidelines- Sanctions Professional Responsibilities and roles Accommodations Prior to, During, After Testing
Supervisors Principals are the supervisory administrator who is to ensure 1) testing occurs without irregularities 2) proper test examiner training occurs, and 3) test security is maintained at all times (before, during and after testing)
The Test Security Policy guidelines: Staff/Security Building/School testing coordinators (BTC/STC) Storage, access, and handling of secure test materials i.e., student test booklets/answer sheets, logins/passwords Secure storage i.e., locked facility when not in use (cabinet, drawer, room, etc.) Secure item delivery to schools and teacher access to test books is limited Prior to testing, proctor in-service procedures- adherence to standardized procedures and importance of test security; teachers and students have limited access to test booklets
The Test Security Policy guidelines: Sanctions Copying in any way any part of a standardized student test for any reason. Removing a student test booklet from a building’s secure storage area without the permission of the Building Testing Coordinator. Failing to return all student test booklets following test administration. Failing to shred student logins and passwords after testing.
The Test Security Policy guidelines: Sanctions continued Directly teaching any test item included on a standardized test (teaching practice test items and approved materials from published teachers guide books for assistance and guidance in teaching test taking strategies are excluded). Using any test preparation materials not approved by the District.
The Test Security Policy guidelines: Sanctions continued Indicating to students during testing when they have answered one or more items correctly or incorrectly. Giving students clues or answers to questions, Allowing students to give each other answers to questions or to copy each other’s work.
The Test Security Policy guidelines: Sanctions continued Altering student’s answers on standardized tests, answer sheets, etc. beyond copying answers into undamaged or appropriate test booklets (the latter is usually required for large print and Braille administrations). Altering test administration procedures in any way that violates agreements with the test publisher or sponsor. Unduly pressuring or encouraging staffs to engage in any of the aforementioned inappropriate or unfair practices.
The Test Security Policy guidelines: Sanctions continued If a district staff person is suspected of engaging in any of the aforementioned unfair practices, an immediate investigation will occur. If allegations are proven, the appropriate authorities will be notified, and the individuals involved may be fined or have their teaching contract with the district revoked, depending on the final determination of the gravity of the breach of ethics. Note test scores may also be invalidated and impact the district for 5 years.
TESTING INVESTIGATIONS Informal Formal Acknowledgement Form
Professional Responsibilities: Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement (the National Council on Measurement in Education, 1995) “understand the procedures needed to administer the assessment prior to administration”; “administer standardized assessments according to the prescribed procedures and conditions”; and “avoid any conditions in the conduct of the assessment that might invalidate the results.”
Professional Responsibilities continued: A single document can not list and describe all possible testing situations or conditions; therefore, test examiners/proctors are required to use their best ethical professional judgment and guidance from the testing coordinators. Test standardization establishes uniform procedures for use with the assessment. If the testing procedures are altered, interpretations of what students know and are able to do are invalid and may lead teachers to use inappropriate teaching strategies or processes with these students.
Accommodations a change in format, response, setting, timing or scheduling that does not alter in any significant way, what the test measures or the comparability of scores may be appropriate for students with disabilities and English language learners are detailed in the IEP and should already be present in the daily classroom environment
Prior to Testing Persons administering a standardized assessment should familiarize themselves with the materials and procedures well in advance of the testing periods. Carefully read and examine the directions that provide specific instructions/procedures to follow before, during, and after test administration. Test administrators must protect test security by guarding against improper use and distribution. This applies to all staffs involved in testing (testing coordinators, proctors, monitors, administration, test examiners, everyone.)
Prior to Testing continued Student test booklets/answer sheets/logins/passwords should be stored in locked files or storage cabinets that are accessible only to authorized personnel. No reproduction of student tests or answer sheets are allowed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical. Test administrators should also inform students as to the purposes of the assessment, what is expected of them and how the results will be used to make decisions.
During Testing Once test booklets/logins/passwords are given to students the testing session has begun Test administrators should follow the directions for administering exactly as written. Test administrators can clarify test directions, but not test questions/or test answer choices. Once sure all students understand the directions, testing should begin.
During Testing continued Students should have access only to the materials listed in the examiner’s manual, i.e., scratch paper, rulers, mathematics formula reference sheets, and calculators, where allowed, etc. Students should be seated to prevent them from seeing the work of others. Students’ desks and work spaces should be clear with sufficient room for the test materials.
During Testing continued Cover any materials and information on the walls, bulletin boards, and chalkboards that might help students answer questions (content and process information). Testing room should have sufficient light and ventilation and be free from noise. Limit disruptions caused by people entering rooms, talking, bells, phones, fire alarms, etc.
During Testing continued Only regular classroom/grade level students should be in attendance unless authorized by the building testing coordinator. Proctors/examiners should circulate in the room to ensure students are following directions, on the correct test, marking responses correctly, erasing stray marks near timing tracks or multiple choice answer choices, etc. Quality Assurance monitors should be unobtrusive sitting quietly in a corner observing and taking notes
During Testing continued When in doubt ask yourself: 1.Will this alter the testing environment or give my students an advantage compared to all the other students being tested in the state of Missouri? 2.- If YES- DO NOT DO IT! 3.Would I get upset if this happened with one of my high stakes final exams- or exams I do not share with colleagues or students? 4.-If YES- DO NOT DO IT! 3.To report any concerns or ask questions follow the chain of command. 4.DO NO HARM
After Testing Immediately collect all student usernames/passwords, test materials, etc. and maintain test security Remove post-it notes, paper clips Return all student test booklets, examiners manuals and required materials to the test coordinator for accounting/shredding and secure storage until shipped for scoring
QUESTIONS? As per DESE guidelines, please sign the Testing Acknowledgement form and return it to your Building Testing Coordinator/ District Testing Coordinator as appropriate. Thank you for your hard work to make this a productive and positive testing experience for all!