O ntario S econdary S chool L iteracy T est Thursday March 29 th 2012
Learning Goals By the end of the lesson today you should be able to tell me: 1. The format of the test, strategies that will help prepare you for writing the test and the help and support that is available to you 2. What type of instructions the test will include 3. Scoring tips 4. How to use the EQAO website to prepare for the literacy test
Success Criteria View and discuss powerpoint presentation Analyse and discuss test instructions Analyse and discuss scoring tips Scavenger hunt using EQAO website
OSSLT- Test at a Glance Booklet minutes Reading and Writing Break - 15 minutes Water and snacks will be available outside the Chapel Booklet minutes Reading and Writing Questionnaire - 10 minutes Personal interests and reading habits – this portion will not be marked
What can I do to prepare for writing the literacy test? Have a look at practice questions and answers Get teacher feedback regarding your responses Look at previous tests to familiarize yourself with the format of the test If you require any accommodations (i.e. extra time) check in with Mrs. Grasso Check the window at the main office for the classroom you are being assigned to (each grade ten student will be assigned a specific classroom to write the test and it will be posted a couple of days before)
What should I do to prepare for Test Day? Get a good night’s sleep Eat breakfast Be at school on time!! Double check the window at the Main Office so you know where you are writing the test Bring writing tools (pencils and pens – pens can only be blue or black ink) Do not bring anything else!!!! (no ipods, no phones, no listening devices of any kind)
Literacy Test Help – In Class The Literacy Committee went into selected Grade 10 classes last week to model literacy strategies. The goal was to provide you with valuable descriptive feedback on the assigned task prior to the Literacy Test Hopefully their feedback helps you use the strategies effectively on test day!
Literacy Test Help - In School Homework Club ( after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays ) is as a place to receive additional support to prepare for the literacy test. Ms. Craftchick and Ms. Smith have prepared activities for practice and immediate feedback. Teachers are there to support you!
Literacy Test Resources Don’t Panic Practice Books are available in Room 86 Practice Test booklets are available on the school website. Today’s website session - research suggests that for every hour a student spends on the EQAO website their score will improve by approximately 10 points – you need 300 points to pass the literacy test
Test Instructions Let’s view and discuss what you will be reading that day Please note that the teacher(s) in charge will also be reminding you of these instructions on the day of the test Getting Ready Guide
Scoring Tips How are you being marked?
READING Understanding explicit information - 7 marks (obvious meaning) Determine the author’s purpose (What does your gut say is the message?) Find the important details, the main idea, and the themes of the text/story Think about the text/story as a whole, and form opinions about what you read
READING Understanding implicit information – 24 marks (inferred meaning, “between the lines”) Use clues in the text/story and your own prior knowledge to fill in the gaps and draw your own conclusions Stop and ask yourself questions to check your understanding (I think this means….) Predict what you think will happen in the text/story and what the author means Use the title, text/story and pictures to help Create mental images of the characters, settings, and events
READING Making connections – 12 marks Think about what you already know about the text/story you are reading Find all the ways the text/story relates to your life, other stories, and the world around you
WRITING Developing a main idea with sufficient supporting details – 2 marks Brainstorm everything you know about the topic and write it in the “Rough Notes” section
WRITING Organizing information and ideas in a clear, understandable manner – 2 marks Understand the Writing Process (introduction, main body, conclusion)
WRITING Using conventions – 16 marks (spelling, grammar, punctuation) Re-read all written answers Do all the words look correct? Are all of the words in the correct order? Is the punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation mark, comma) in the right place?
WRITING Topic development – 18 marks (main idea, supporting details and organization) Have an introduction with the topic, a main body where the topic is explained and a conclusion
Scavenger Hunt! Log in to our school website
Go online and access the EQAO website
Click on English
Select Student Resources
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Click on the OSSLT option
Using the links and information below complete the scavenger hunt – GOOD LUCK!