My Poetry Booklet By: Destini Johnson 1
Table of Contents Page 1: Table of Contents Page 2: Dedication Page Page 3: My Favorite Poem Page 4: I Poem I can relate to Page 5: “I Am” Page 6: My very own Quatrain Poem Page 7: My very own Diamante Poem Page 8: My very own Haiku Poem Page 9: My very own Concrete Poem Page 10: Published Quatrain Page 11: Published Shape Poem Page 12: Published Diamante Page 13: Published Haiku 1
Dedication Letter I want to dedicate this letter to my sweet, loving, and kind mother named Renata Gibson. She is my world, if I didn’t have her I wouldn’t be here today so I take every moment we spend together and cherish it with all my heart. I know in the past I have disappointed my mom for doing unnecessary things, but I have learned from my past and have been doing good to make not only myself look go and proud, but my mom to. I also dedicate this letter to my mom because when I need help she’s there to help me. When I need a shoulder to cry on or when I need a hug she is always there, and I know she will pick me up when I'm feeling down and tell me that it’s ok, and show me love. If my mother ever see’s this letter, I hope she knows how much I appreciate her and love her with all my heart. Sincerely, Destini Johnson 2
My favorite Poem.. Friendship… To me you are an angle in disguise. Full of intuition, intelligent and wise. Always giving and helping through good times and bad times. You are the best friend I've ever had. If I had one wish it would surely be to give you as much you've given me Though I've put our relationship through some cloudy days, you've been my sunshine in so many ways. Though trials and tests, right by me you stood, and gave me your hand whenever you could. Thank you so much my sister, my friend My gratitude for you has no end.... By: Zhai Dueñas 3
A Poem I can relate to.. Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you 4
My Quatrain Poem I love to write Day and night What would my heart do But cry, sigh and be blue If I could not write Writing feels good And I know it should Who could have knew That what I do Is write, write, write 6
My Diamante Poem Puppy Sweet, Young Running, sleeping, playing Ball, leash, treats, backyard Barking, eating, fetching Playful, silly pup 7
My Haiku Poem I am A tree who Reaches out to you With love ill share I am here to embrace My branches of tenderness I am a tree which extends Water me in tender care As I stand by your side Extending my heart always 8
My Concrete Poem 9
Published Quatrain Poem The Snow Shower The sky is scattered and fallen down, The earth is no more brown, Winter has bidden goodbye to the fall, Snow flakes have woven the white gown. Very soon they have started to crawl, On the bare trees standing tall, With Christmas trees, when they abide Each looked like a cotton candy ball. With stored food, having feasted inside, In their nests, the squirrels like to hide. Sun is too mild to spread the warmth, Earth is dressed like a wedding bride 10
Published shape Poem 11
Published Diamante Poem Big and Little by Carolina Big Humongous, Large Increasing, Growing, Expanding, Giant, World, Beetle, Bugs Shriveling, Shrinking, Shortening Small, Tiny Little 12
Published Haiku Poem An old silent pond... A frog jumps into the pond, splash! Silence again. by Basho ( ) 13