Cell Division Booklet Color the cells featured throughout the book. Keep your colors consistent! Label your cells with their appropriate parts Summarize the functions that occur in that stage and/or phase of cell division
Stage 1: Interphase The first stage of cell division The cell grows The cell makes organelles The cell replicates its chromosomes (DNA) Chromosomes (DNA) Centrioles Cytoplasm Nucleus
Stage 2: Mitosis; Part 1: Prophase Begins the second stage of cell division, Mitosis. DNA strands coil up and condense. Centrioles move to opposite sides of the nucleus Nucleus breaks down Chromosomes (DNA) Centrioles and Spindle fibers Cytoplasm Nucleus breaking down
Stage 2: Mitosis; Part 2: Metaphase The centrioles move to opposite side of the cell and stretch out spindle fibers. Spindle fibers organize the chromosomes. Chromosomses (DNA) line up along the center of the animal cell. Chromosomes (DNA) Centriole and Spindle fibers Cytoplasm Centriole and Spindle fibers
Stage 2: Mitosis; Part 3: Anaphase Chromosomes (DNA) split. Spindle fibers shorten, causing the chromosomes to move to opposite sides of the cell. Anaphase ends once the chromosomes stop moving at each end of the cell. Chromosomes (DNA) Centriole and Spindle fibers Cytoplasm Centriole and Spindle fibers
Stage 2: Mitosis; Part 4: Telophase Final part of Mitosis. A nuclear membrane reforms around each group of chromosomes. Chromosomes disperse (unwind themselves) and are no longer visible. Chromosomes (DNA) Centriole and Spindle fibers Cytoplasm Nucleus reforming Centriole and Spindle fibers
Stage 3: Cytokinesis Chromosomes (DNA) Centrioles Cytoplasm Nucleus Final Stage of Cell Division. Cell Membrane pulls apart and pinches into two nearly equal parts. Each part contains its own nucleus, cytoplasm, and organelles. The two cells are identical